Nominations for 10 open seats for a two-year term (October 2024 to October 2026) on the Business Members Board of Governors (BMBG) open June 10, 2024, and close August 7, 2024.

Serving on the BMBG is critical to advancing the interests of APTA’s business members and of the public transportation industry. The BMBG develops recommendations to APTA’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors, providing critical communications between public transportation agencies and the business members that support them. Board members represent a diverse cross section of the business membership and are expected to participate in APTA’s and BMBG committees and events.

Details regarding the nominations process, along with the Criteria for Membership can be found in the FY2025 Elections Memorandum.  If you have any questions, please contact Eve Williams, BMBG Nominations Committee Chair at or Dave Carol, staff advisor at