Discover HDR and the Girl Scouts' "Transportation Day," inspiring 1,200+ girls for STEM careers in transportation.

HDR has forged a partnership with some of its transportation clients, the Women’s Transportation Seminar, and the Girl Scouts to bring middle-school girls into transportation facilities to learn all about the industry and its many career options.

With HDR’s support, Transportation Day, a new Classroom to Career partnership, was born. Transportation Day has been held at a variety of HDR client transit agencies in the region and has served more than 1,200 girls so far. Activities have included facility tours, riding trains, imagining new infrastructure to make the walk to school safer, learning to read bus maps, and many other hands-on activities, including girls designing their own transit system, participating in a transit sign creation contest, and interacting with plants and animals affected by transit.

Although not every Girl Scout council has a program like Classroom to Career, it may be worth the effort to find former Girl Scouts willing to commit to the mission of introducing girls to careers they might not have heard about in school.

See page 14 of APTA’s How to Advance Awareness of Transit Careers guide.

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Categories: Experience, Women
Tags: girl, scout, STEM, transit, woman