This Emerging Leaders Program -- Class of 2022 presentation outlines the different approaches transit agencies across the country are using to battle this shortage

Public transit workforce needs continue to evolve as rider travel habits change and new transportation technologies like transportation network companies, micro-transit, and autonomous vehicles become available. The COVID-19 pandemic has particularly challenged the transit industry to quickly adapt by introducing new practices and technologies to operations. The ability of public transit systems to sustain current service levels and expand service availability will require an industrywide examination of current and future workforce needs. In order to remain a viable utility within American communities, transit authorities will have to reinforce, attract, and replenish talent across all departments while also accounting for the challenges of labor shortages, upcoming employee retirements, and rapidly emerging technologies.

Our presentation outlines the different approaches transit agencies across the country are using to battle this shortage. These techniques cover a range of locations and transit agency size to develop a list of potential solutions and how effective the techniques have been in different situations.


  • Diana Isaza, Arlington Transit
  • Jacob Labutka, Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority
  • Jeff La Hood, Kimley-Horn and Associates
  • Kilian Ollivier, EQUANS
  • Monique Thompson, Jacksonville Transportation Authority

File Type: www
Categories: Labor Force, Pandemic, Shortage, Technology, Workforce
Tags: attract, COVID-19, labor, retirements, solutions, talent, techniques, workforce shortages