GoTriangle Greater Triangle Projected Population Growth Animation to increase Commuter Rail Project Awareness

Target Audience: 1: Greater-Triangle NC Area residents (Wake, Durham & Johnston Counties): – 1.1: Current commuters; – 1.2: People unaware or new to the Commuter Rail Transit (CRT) project; – 1.3: Car-centric/Non-transit users; 2: Stakeholders: – 2.1: county/city government; – 2.2: Private sector;

Strategy Objective:1: Compare and contrast existing population numbers to future numbers to show that the CRT project is necessary for quality of life in the future. 2: Explain the benefits of the project for future riders and car drivers alike: – 2.1: Quicker/more reliable service than driving; – 2.2: Provide new access and opportunity to residents, especially those along the corridor; 3: Create something more compelling than a static bar graph/graphic for viewer retention;

Situation Challenge: 1: Needed a visual to explain the necessity for such a large transit investment in our region; 2: To inform greater Triangle area residents of the limited existing infrastructure (roads & congestion) to accommodate future needs as population continues to skyrocket and new businesses move to the region. – 2.1: Directly highlight the tremendous population growth estimates for our entire region as some of the highest in the country;

Results Impact: 1: Viewership statistics: – 1.1: YouTube video: –– 1.1.1: 747 views; – 1.2: –– 1.2.1: Unique Webpage views: 1,334; –– 1.2.2: Time spent on page: 2:22; – 1.3: Featured on Commuter Rail live Zoom Webinar: ––1.3.1: Live viewers: 300+; ––1.3.2: YouTube post-live recording views: 513; 2: Created compelling visual information too for our new CRT educational website; 3: Directly highlighted one of the main selling points for commuter rail (population growth) in a quickly digestible media asset.

Why Submit: 1: GoTriangle is proud of this video submission because the entire project from graphics to animation, to voiceover to editing were all created in-house by our talented Marketing team. 2: By successfully combining imaginative visual motion graphics, compelling voiceover script, and hard data to educate and enlighten greater Triangle residents about the CRT project with a focus on population, we were able to create a new and unique way to get people on-board with the project's goals.