Foothill Transit Business Plan

Target Audience: Elected officials, local leaders, stakeholders, and community partners.

Strategy Objective:We aimed to develop a document that is different from the traditional, bureaucratic, documents commonly seen in government. We were able to make the document more engaging by implementing storytelling techniques in our copy and developing an eye-catching layout design.

Situation Challenge: We develop these annual reports to set a guideline for the coming fiscal year as well as a financial summary of the agency. These plans are used as a blueprint when working with community and government partners on project funding. The plan also acts as a guideline for stakeholders and partners for the year.

Results Impact: With careful and creative design and thoughtful copywriting combined with exacting accounting, Foothill Transit created a new standard for their annual reports. Compelling narratives aligned more strategically with the standard tables to make the content more easily understood and allowed stakeholders to develop a better understanding of the agency's financial progress and planning. This has led to greater stakeholder participation in leadership, more informed discussions, and increased confidence in agency governance.

Why Submit: With a thoughtful design and storytelling approach, the conventional Business Plan and Budget illustrates our agency's story in a way that is both informational and visually engaging. It highlights the past and the future to provide a friendly, usable communication for every level of the organization and extends the agency's brand both nationally and locally.