TransLoc's 'Destination Democracy' Helped Boost Voter Turnout by Getting Riders to the Polls

Target Audience: The target audience for ‘Destination Democracy' was American transit riders eligible to vote in the 2020 Presidential Election. When TransLoc surveyed nearly 1,500 American users on their availability to vote, 30% of respondents said they were unsure of how to get to their voting location, 35% were unsure of their polling location, and 75% of respondents said having voting locations shown in-app would be helpful. This initiative was created to not only to make it easier to vote, but also to encourage voting among all eligible voters.

Strategy Objective:To truly improve voter turnout, transportation options must easily fit into Americans' daily routines. To create better resources for riders, TransLoc worked w/ the Voting Information Project to create voting resources accessible in-app. App enhancements included a "VOTE" button on the home screen, which re-directed users to to find voting information, including voter ID requirements, polling places and election dates. In addition, voting locations auto-populated in the app's map, allowing riders to quickly see their polling location and determine the best way to use transit services to get there. As more states submitted polling locations to the Voting Information Project, the app's map auto-populated with the newly-added spots, showing polling locations directly in-app.

Situation Challenge: TransLoc's research shows that transit riders have concerns related to getting to the polls - with many not knowing where to go or how to get there. This was because many Americans did not have the necessary resources readily available to get information on voter registration, polling locations or where their polling station was. Time proved to be another major factor in voter turnout, with many voters struggling to find the time to get to the polls between work and other responsibilities. TransLoc understood that there was a need to improve how polling information is provided to transit riders, to ease the burden of voting.

Results Impact: The Destination Democracy campaign created a nationwide resource for polling info specially curated to transit riders. TransLoc's work with the Voting Information Project helped to provide information to transit riders in all 50 U.S. states related to early voting locations, ballot boxes and poll places. For many transit agencies, this was the first time they were able to offer up-to-date and actionable election information to transit riders. Resulted in an executive byline in MassTransit, and mention in Axios,

Why Submit: Voting is a fundamental right. The 2020 election was coupled with a global pandemic, making Americans fear leaving their homes, especially when the only option was taking a crowded bus - risking their health and safety. To encourage Americans to exercise their rights, while saving time and creating a seamless, safe voting experience, Destination Democracy highlights TransLoc's mission to equip transit agencies and riders with the necessary tools to support a diverse population with individualized needs. Access to mobility shouldn't be a thought just once every four years, rather we should always consider barriers to cost, time and safety for every election, community meeting and local events, all which greatly impact the lives of each one of us, especially those who are transit dependent.