ETA Storybook

Target Audience: Public transit agencies, shuttle bus operators, airports with parking/shuttles, and rail/train/trolley operations.

Strategy Objective:To meet the needs of selling to multiple vertical markets, we created a fictional city—Metro City. Metro City is a unique location that has all different kinds of transit operations running within its limits—buses, trains, shuttles, airports. The goal was to individually provide insights and commentary on the challenges faced by individual markets, but also demonstrate how ETA's SPOT™ intelligent transit system was suited to integrate all these operations within one interface (or operate as separate entities), share information, and provide the population with all the information they require to get around town efficiently.

Situation Challenge: We required a prestige-level marketing piece that would allow our sales team to engage with prospective customers across multiple vertical markets. The challenge was to create a piece that spoke to the nuances present in different verticals and establish ETA as a solution that understood the uniqueness of various operational realities.

Results Impact: The presentation of the piece and story-driven nature resulted in sales materials that engaged and had some visual and informational 'heft.' There is a lot of value contained within the pages that directly targets the needs of any situation, and the overall construction of the piece—which utilized special varnish effects to provide a luxurious feel, Chicago-screw binding, plus quality paper stock and reproduction, underscored the reputation and sincerity of ETA to investing in the initial (and second, and third) impressions of the company and its product. It's a piece that continually generates interest and positive responses that is quite unlike any other sales package in the market. It says to readers that ETA is a company to be treated seriously and values quality at every turn.

Why Submit: At the heart of ETA Transit's marketing strategy is the delivery of valuable information without a hard-sell approach. We want to engage, entertain, and educate in a manner that respects potential customers and guides them through the purchasing process with honesty, relevance, and a commitment to quality. This storybook piece encapsulates all those goals and invites deeper discussions designed to ensure that any transit operation—regardless of situation—has full access to the information and options needed to make a quality decision. The story-driven narrative found within these pages is an effort to demonstrate understanding and provide a common starting point that says, 'Yes, we know what challenges you face and are ready to work with you to write your best ending.'