Wheels Autonomous Vehicle Demonstration - Phase 2 Brochure
Target Audience: The target audience for this entry includes several agencies that offer discretionary funding opportunities for transportation and clean air projects, including the Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the Alameda County Transportation Commission as well as the Federal Transit Administration.
Strategy Objective:The objective of this entry is to show that the Livermore Amador Valley Transportation Authority (LAVTA) has successfully completed a rigorous testing process, has been certified to carry passengers on its first Shared Autonomous Vehicle (SAV) and is now looking for funding opportunities to expand the program.
Situation Challenge: The Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA) completed all federal and state requirements for testing of its Shared Autonomous Vehicle on public streets and was authorized by the federal National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to begin carrying members of the general public on the vehicle in November 2020. This brochure was produced to let funding agencies know that LAVTA had reached this milestone and was seeking funding to expand its autonomous vehicle program for first and last mile connections in the vicinity of the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station..
Results Impact: This brochure was finished in December 2020 and has been transmitted to the agencies mentioned in the target audience section of this nomination. The response has been positive and we are at this point in January waiting to hear if funding will be allocated to permit LAVTA to move into Phase 2 SAV deployment.
Why Submit: This entry should win an AdWheel because it is a very clean, well-designed and easy to read brochure that provides an adequate level of background information to set the stage for a funding entity to feel confident that LAVTA is ready to take the next step in autonomous vehicle deployment and has a plan on how that would be done.