Before applying, please read through each page of the Leadership APTA website to familiarize yourself with the program’s goals and requirements, planned session dates and locations, tuition, fees, related costs, and other areas.

If you are selected, please ensure you can fulfill the program’s requirements and that you have the full support of your sponsoring organization’s senior and executive leadership.

All required application materials must be submitted to the Leadership APTA  application site by end of day  Friday, May 24, 2024.

Reminder – Only ONE applicant per APTA Member Organization: APTA member organizations may submit only ONE candidate as your applicant for the Leadership APTA Class of 2025. Organizations submitting more than one applicant run the risk of all their applicants’ applications being disqualified.

If you have questions or concerns about any of the above points and deadlines, please reach out to APTA’s Joe Niegoski at

Please click on the below link to access the online application.

Apply Now

How to Apply – Please Read Carefully and Follow All Instructions

Individuals interested in applying for the program must provide the following information:

  • Online Application: Please complete your online application, including your applicant profile information.
  • EssayPlease prepare a 750-word essay. Think of your essay as a written “formal conversation” between you and members of the Leadership APTA Committee who select the next class. Your essay will include your statement of intent and address the four questions listed below:
  • First, begin your essay with a “Statement of Intent.” This is a a two-to-three sentence paragraph stating why you are applying for the program.
  • Next, address the four questions noted below. Please create related sub-headings for each of the four questions. This small step ensures greater clarity as your application is being reviewed.
  • Focus your attention to the four questions being asked. Provide clear, well thought out replies to each of the four questions.
    • What are your primary areas for personal growth and professional development?
    • What are your career goals?
    • How and why will you benefit from the Leadership APTA program?
    • Looking into the future, where do you see yourself within APTA and the public transportation industry?

Please note: The clarity and quality of your replies to each question are primary ways the committee members will learn about you, your qualifications, and aspirations.

We encourage you to have a trusted coach and advisor review your essay, resume, and application packet prior to its submission. Provide them with the related questions and instructions. Benefit from their feedback.

  • Letter of Recommendation (Supervisor): This letter may come from your direct supervisor, a client, or recent/former public transit agency senior official. Please provide the below guidance to those preparing this letter. The letter should:
    • Give testimony through concrete examples of your leadership capabilities and why you would benefit from the program at this point in your career.
    • Identify specific areas for professional growth and improvement through participation in the program.
    • Special note: If you report directly to your General Manager/CEO, please ask a former supervisor, client, or other senior leader who can speak to your leadership, accomplishments, and examples of past successes to prepare this letter.
  • Letter of Recommendation (General Manager/CEO/Executive Director): The letter must come from the highest-ranking official, e.g., general manager, CEO, President or Executive Director of the public transit agency, Company/Organization President, CEO, Division CEO, or organization sponsoring you as an applicant. Please provide the below guidance to those preparing this letter. This letter should:
    • Speak about your leadership growth, career progression, and successes to senior leadership/executive ranks in your organization.
    • Address what contributions to your organization would be envisioned after attending the program.
    • Very importantly, address the applicant’s anticipated career trajectory.
      • This letter may include references to any special recognitions and commendations.

Special note:

  • If you are the principal of a small business applying to the program, we ask that your first letter of recommendation come from your Board Chair and the second letter comes from your recent client.

Please note:

  • The Committee will not consider additional letters or recommendations when reviewing an applicant’s packet.
  • The Committee highly discourages any APTA member from petitioning or lobbying the Leadership APTA Committee members to select their candidate.


  • Your resume needs to include current and past positions with dates of experience in public transportation and related industries. Job descriptions or equivalent documents are not acceptable resume submissions. Please limit your resume (PDF Copy) to no more than three (3) pages.

Please note: A short essay and a 10-page resume are not acceptable application submissions.

Application Tips:

  • You do not need to complete your online application all at once.
  • You can enter your information in stages.
  • After completing each section of the online application, you will have the opportunity to edit, add, or modify your application materials up until the application deadline.
  • All applications must be submitted by the end of the day, Friday, May 24, 2024.
  • If you have questions on any of the above, please reach out to APTA’s Joe Niegoski at
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