
Rail Transit Accident/Incident Notification and Investigation Requirements


This standard provides a common framework for rail transit systems to develop accident/incident investigation plans. Additional recommendations on how rail transit systems should implement the policies and procedures contained in the plan required by this standard are given in the informative Annex A, Recommended Process for Performing Rail Transit Accident/Incident Investigations.

Document History
Document Number Version Publication Date Publication Related Information
APTA RT-OP-S-002-02 Rev. 3 07/06/2018 Published Current


accident, incident, investigation, notification, reporting


This standard describes requirements that a rail transit system (RTS) shall develop and implement for accident/incident investigation plans. The standard requires that the RTS accident/incident investigation plan address policies and procedures; notification and reporting; investigation thresholds; coordination with government and regulatory agencies; formal investigation process; training; and post-accident reporting. The requirements that a RTS shall follow to develop its accident/incident investigation plan are provided in the main body text of this standard. Individual rail transit systems shall apply this standard as it relates to that RTS’s organizational structure and operating environment. Recommendations for the process (a system or set of procedures) the RTS should follow to perform accident/incident investigations are given in Annex A. Annex A does not contain additional requirements.

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