Recommended Practice

Safety and Security Certification


This recommended practice provides guidance for managing and monitoring the safety and security certification (SSC) process for transportation systems and changes to system elements.

Document History
Document Number Version Publication Date Publication Related Information
APTA SS-ISS-RP-008-24 Original 05/08/2024 Published Current


accountable executive, as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP), building, bus rapid transit, capital improvement, capital project, certification, chief safety officer, concept, contractors, cybersecurity, design, design-build, design–bid–build, development, equipment, fixed guideway, hazard, major capital project, New Starts, nonrevenue vehicles, on-track equipment, organizational structure, planning, procedure, procurement, public-private partnerships, quality assurance, rail vehicles, right-of-way, risk, rulebook, rules, safety, safety assurance, safety-critical, schedule, security, Small Starts, SMS, structure, system modification, training, validation, verification


Safety and security certification (SSC) encompasses the series of processes that collectively verify the safety and security readiness of a project for public use. Since the November 2002 release of FTA-MA-90-5006-02-01, Handbook for Transit Safety and Security Certification, the public transportation industry has experienced significant project development and implementation changes that have impacted SSC approaches. This document summarizes and expands upon the Federal Transit Administration’s SSC requirements to provide transit agencies guidance to support the management and monitoring of SSC processes.

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APTA SS-CCS-WP-005-19, “Securing Control and Communications Systems in Transit Bus Vehicles and Supporting Infrastructure”
APTA SS-CCS-RP-006-22, “Operational Technology Cybersecurity Maturity Framework (OT-CMF)”
APTA SS-ECS-RP-001-14, “Cybersecurity Considerations for Public Transit”
APTA SS-ESC-RP-002-19, “Enterprise Cybersecurity Training and Awareness”
APTA SS-ECS-RP-003-19, “Enterprise Cybersecurity Involving the Board of Directors and the Executive Suite”
APTA SS-SIS-S-017-21, “Security Risk Assessment for Public Transit”

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