American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Student Membership is for those interested in transportation, mobility, and sustainability at the community college to graduate school level who step forward to become actively involved in the industry in an empowering way.

Who Are APTA Student Members?

Full-time or part-time college freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, or graduate students enrolled in any degree program with an interest in public transportation.

Proof of eligibility is required and can include one of the three following credentials:

  1. A college student I.D. that provides issuance date and/or expire date
  2. A letter from your college program director
  3. Or a letter from the registrar

Membership lasts for the duration of your studies while you are seeking a degree. Plus, for one year after graduation while you are seeking employment in the transportation industry.

If you are joining APTA for the first time, you will need to create an APTA account to get started.

Student Member dues are only $25 /year

Join Today!

Why Become an APTA Student Member?


Stand out and build your professional brand with connections that count.


Participate in career-building webinars and the APTA TRANSform Conference.


Free student registration to APTA’s meetings and conferences. (Value: $2,500)


American Public Transportation Foundation (APTF), our affiliated foundation, offers annual scholarships.


APTA.com has the industry’s top research and is the largest resource on the web for transportation information.


Free webinars and subscription to Passenger Transport online magazine to stay current.

Student Membership FAQs
Student Membership Overview
Student Member Tool Kit

What Happens After Graduation?

APTA Student Membership extends for one year after graduation, allowing you to leverage APTAConnect, the Career Center, and other member benefits!

“As I pursue my Master’s degree in urban planning, APTA has been there to help me pay for school and expand my professional network. I enjoyed going to APTA’s conference in 2022 and look forward to upcoming conferences which, as a student, are free for me to attend. Joining APTA was a great decision and I recommend joining today in order to take advantage of the scholarship, mentorship, and job placement opportunities.”
–Tyler Mathews, Urban Planning Graduate Student, USC, Class of 2024

To Find Out More

  • Lisa Lockman for information on the Campus Ambassador and Scholarship programs
  • Chris Bellerdine for general information and activating your membership
  • Linda Gill Anderson for administrator questions
Lisa Lockman 
Sr. Membership Manager
E: LLockman@apta.com
P: 202-496-4809
Chris Bellerdine
Membership Coordinator
E: CBellerdine@apta.com
P: 202-496-4822
Linda Gill Anderson
Senior Director, Membership
E: LAnderson@apta.com
P: 202-496-4837