On May 1, 2019, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (T & I Committee) is expected to hold a “Members’ Day” Hearing on infrastructure investment and FAST Act reauthorization.

Call to Action

We strongly encourage you to contact your Members of Congress and urge them to testify (or submit testimony for the record) before the T&I Committee on May 1 about the importance of increasing infrastructure investment in public transportation and passenger rail.

APTA urges Congress to dramatically increase federal infrastructure investment levels in public transportation and passenger rail. Specifically, Congress must:

  • Authorize a long-term surface transportation authorization act funded by dedicated, sustainable revenues (e.g., increasing federal motor vehicle user fees) to address the pending shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund (including the Mass Transit Account).
  • Bring public transit systems to a state of good repair, and meet growing community demands for increased mobility choices (estimated cost: $145 billion over six years).
  • As overall funding increases, restore the 40%-40%-20% capital investment ratio among the Capital Investment Grant, State of Good Repair, and Buses and Bus Facilities programs.
  • Establish a new innovative mobility initiative to introduce cutting-edge technologies and integrate new service-delivery approaches and mobility options in the transit marketplace.

For additional information, please see the attached APTA message to lawmakers, issue briefs, and report: