Transit agencies across North America are adopting zero emission technology for their fleets.  APTA provides a number of services to support members interested in better understanding zero emission buses (ZEBs) including committee meetings; educational webinars and sessions at APTA conferences; and educational materials.  You can find more information on these activities below.  We have also captured some key resources from transit agencies, TCRP and others.

Get Involved at APTA
APTA Resources
Other Resources

Get Involved at APTA:

The Zero Emission Fleet Committee is a forum for discussion and sharing of information and best practices around battery electric, fuel cell electric, and near-zero emission buses and infrastructure. Topics discussed can include planning, procurement, operations, maintenance and facilities, energy management, infrastructure, utilities, energy providers, life cycle costs, training, and other deployment topics. The committee is open to all APTA members involved in planning for, operating, and maintaining zero or near-zero emission buses and associated infrastructure.

Join the Zero Emission Fleet Committee

APTA Resources:

*New* Battery Electric Bus Charging Infrastructure: Key Performance Indicators

This document was developed by a working group of members of APTA’s Zero Emission Bus Committee and focuses on KPIs that can be used for battery electric bus (BEB) charging infrastructure. It is designed to act as a menu that agencies can use to consider which metrics may best meet the unique needs of their program. Published October 2023.

Checklist for Engaging Your Utility on Bus Electrification

A checklist of questions that transit agencies should ask, and information to gather, when engaging electric companies in the battery electric bus deployment process. Developed through a partnership between APTA and the Edison Electric Institute with guidance from our members. Published March 2023.

Preparing To Plug In Your Bus Fleet: 10 Things to Consider
A guide on working effectively with your electric company when planning a battery bus fleet, published in December 2019.  Prepared by the Edison Electric Institute in collaboration with the American Public Transportation Association, American Public Power Association, and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

Transit Agencies Working with Their Utility beyond “Business as Usual”
APTA is building a database detailing cases of transit agency and utility collaboration that go beyond business as usual. If you would like to add/edit an entry, please contact us by filling out the contact form.

Public Transit Leading in Transition to Clean Technology
APTA white paper on the progress of clean technology adoption in transit bus fleets (published in November 2019).

APTA Webinars:

Working with BEB Charging Infrastructure: New Considerations On-route and at the Depot (July 15, 2020)

Transit Agency & Utility Partnerships: Case Studies from Denver, Minneapolis & Portland (June 16, 2020)

Transit Agency and Utility Partnerships: Best Practices and Strategies for Successful Electric Bus Deployments (May 8, 2020)

Other Resources:

TCRP Research Report 219: Guidebook for Deploying Zero-Emission Transit Buses

The Guidebook is a tool to educate transit agencies on current best practices for ZEB deployments and represents lessons learned from previous deployments, industry experts, and available industry resources.

Find more information
on TCRP reports

  Transit Agencies’ Zero Emission Bus Plans