Over the next three weeks, House and Senate Appropriations Committee leaders are working to reach bipartisan, bicameral agreement on annual appropriations bills, including the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) Appropriations Act, 2020.

There are critical differences between the House and Senate THUD Appropriations bills, mainly the top-line funding levels for transit. The House-passed THUD Appropriations bill provides $13.48 billion for transit programs and $2.7 billion for intercity passenger rail grants. The Senate bill provides $520 million less for public transit. On November 26, APTA sent a letter to House and Senate THUD Appropriations Committee leaders regarding funding and policy priorities for the FY 2020 bill, calling for the highest possible transit funding levels. To view the letter, please click here. We urge Congress to provide the highest possible funding level for public transit (at least $13.5 billion).



We strongly encourage you to contact your Members of Congress and urge them to fight for the highest possible funding levels for transit (at least $13.5 billion).

To contact your Members of Congress, please find your Senators and Representatives and call 202.224.3121.

For a sample script for your call, please click here.