Today, APTA sent a letter to Congress and the Administration requesting $23.8 billion of COVID-19 transit funding to address additional costs and revenue losses, in excess of public transit funding provided by the CARES Act. This additional funding will help public transit agencies continue to provide a critical lifeline to essential workers and to help our communities rebuild our economy. These funds will offset the extraordinary direct costs andToday, APTA sent a letter to Congress and the Administration requesting $23.8 billion of COVID-19 transit funding to address additional costs and revenue losses, in excess of public transit funding provided by the CARES Act. This additional funding will help public transit agencies continue to provide a critical lifeline to essential workers and to help our communities rebuild our economy. These funds will offset the extraordinary direct costs and dramatic revenue losses caused by the pandemic. The letter includes an independent, economic analysis identifying the $23.8 billion shortfall through calendar year 2021.

APTA proposes that the $23.8 billion in additional funding for COVID-19 Emergency Response and Recovery be allocated as follows:

  • $19 billion provided through the Emergency Relief Program, which would be distributed proportionally to all public transit agencies with a demonstrated need; and
  • $4.75 billion provided through Urbanized Area Formula Grants, Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Formula Grants; and Rural Area Formula Grants.

Both the Emergency Relief and formula funds would be available for both operating and capital expenses and at a 100 percent federal share.

In addition to the COVID-19 emergency funding, APTA urges Congress to enact a long-term Surface Transportation Authorization Act to invest in the nation’s public transportation infrastructure.

Click here to view APTA’s letter.

Click here to view APTA’s Fact Sheet on COVID-19 Emergency Response and Recovery Funding for Public Transportation.

Click here to view the independent, economic analysis by EBP US, Inc.


We strongly encourage you to contact your Members of Congress today and urge Congress to provide $23.8 billion for additional COVID-19 public transit funding. We also urge Congress to press forward with the Surface Transportation Authorization bill.

To contact your Members of Congress, please call 202.224.3121.

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