This Leadership APTA -- Class of 2021 project focuses on strategies to increase leadership diversity at the executive level in the transit industry.
The ‘Leadership Diversity: The Time to Act is NOW!’ Leadership APTA Capstone Project will support APTA’s strategic plan element to develop leaders and a future-ready workforce.
This project focuses on strategies to increase leadership diversity in the transit industry. The team identified key barriers to achieving diversity at the executive level and initiatives currently being implemented within the transit industry to break down those barriers and help move the transit industry into the future. The deliverable for the project is a route map for CEOs (adaptable to all agency sizes), which offers meaningful steps and resources to increase and support diversity at the executive level, an essential step in developing a future-ready workforce.
Project Team:
- Valerie Albanese (Toronto Transit Commission)
- Donna Bowers, (Hatch LTK)
- Claudia Burgos (Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District)
- Arnab Gupta, (AECOM)
- Brent Jones (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency)
- Lina Kulikowski (Broward County Transit)