Explore LA Metro's Women and Girls Council, dedicated to gender equity through initiatives including the Gender Action Plan, mentoring programs, and improved transit services.

LA Metro’s Women and Girls Governing Council was established in September 2017 to examine Metro policies, programs and services, as well as make recommendations to the CEO. With consideration of the unique obstacles faced by women and girls, the council looks to find opportunities to remove barriers to success and expand opportunities at, within and on Metro.

Program goals include:

  • To have a gender-balanced workforce
  • To accelerate change because progress for women is progress for everyone
  • To seek a comprehensive strategy to address the complex and inter-related causes of gender inequity, mobility and economic challenges

The council is comprised of a diverse group of Metro employees representing every department—union and non-union, entry level to executive—that meets monthly to develop recommendations to the CEO to help advance and empower women and girls. This group of women and men work together for effective, innovative and collaborative change, examining Metro policies, programs and services through a gender lens. The council applies a gender lens in three focus areas: Metro as an employer, Metro as a service provider and Metro as a catalyst for economic development. It is the council’s objective to reveal and identify challenges and barriers that women may face and incorporate an intentional change approach to remove those obstacles and challenges.

File Type: www
Categories: Equity, Transit, Women
Tags: economic challenges, gender equity, gender-balanced, girls, mobility, policies, programs, progress, women