Resource Title | Organization | Date Released |
Developing a Pandemic Virus Service Restoration Checklist | APTA | 21-May-2020 |
COVID-19: Guidelines on the progressive restoration of transport services and connectivity | European Commission | 3-May-2020 |
Impact of COVID-19 on Public Transit Businesses | APTA | April-2020 |
Impact of COVID-19 on Public Transit Agencies | APTA | March-2020 |
Summary: A Guide for Public Transportation Pandemic Planning and Response (NCHRP Report 769) | APTA | 5-March-2020 |
Developing a Contagious Virus Response Plan (2013) | APTA | 1-April-2013 |
Making Public Transit Safer During COVID-19 Outbreak | U.S. DOT | 18-March-2020 |
Management of COVID-19 Guidelines for Public Transport Operators | UITP | March-2020 |
National Pandemic Strategy | CDC |
Communications and MonitoringStephen Kendrick2020-09-16T17:00:40-04:00