APTA IIJA Public Transit State-by-State Formula Apportionment Table (01.01.2022)
APTA IIJA Public Transit UZA Formula Apportionment Table (01.01.2022)
Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
FTA Notice on IIJA Apportionments, Allocations, and Program Information (FY 2024) (05.31.2024)
FTA IIJA Public Transit Formula Apportionment Tables (FY 2024) (05.08.2024)
FTA Notice on IIJA Apportionments, Allocations, and Program Information (FY 2023) (04.14.2023)
FTA Notice on IIJA Apportionments, Allocations, and Interim Guidance (FY 2022) (04.28.2022)
FTA Public Transit Formula Archived Apportionment Tables (04.03.2023)
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
FHWA IIJA Federal-Aid Highway Apportionment (FY 2022) (Supplementary Tables) (02.23.2022)
FHWA IIJA Federal-Aid Highway Apportionment (FY 2022) (12.14.2021)
FHWA IIJA Federal-Aid Highway Obligation Authority (FY 2022) (12.14.2021)