A completed application and payment must be submitted to APTA. Once your submission is received, you will be emailed a link to your invoice. We accept payment via credit card, check, or bank transfer/ACH.
New memberships are provisional until the applying organization is confirmed by APTA. Organizations joining after August 1 will pay pro-rated dues.
If you need assistance determining which member category is right for your organization, please email membership@apta.com or call 202-496-4822.
Has your organization ever held membership with APTA previously? If yes, please complete the Member Reinstatement Form.
A fillable PDF version of APTA’s Membership Application is available for downloading. |
Transit System Dues Schedule
Category A – Transit
U.S. and Canadian Transit Systems
U.S. Section 5310 and 5311
Those entities (persons, firms or corporations, trustees or receivers, municipal or other government agencies) operating any form of organized public transit system within the boundaries of the United States or its territories and possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Canada, or Mexico.
Please note:
- Canadian bus-only transit systems have a separate dues schedule
- International transit systems should refer to Category E: Affiliates for membership and dues information.
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Dues Schedule
Operating Expenses | U.S. Transit Systems | Canadian Transit Systems (except Canadian bus-only) |
Up to | $500,000 | $250 | $112 | |
$500,001 | to | $750,000 | $500 | $234 |
$750,001 | to | $1,000,000 | $750 | $356 |
$1,000,001 | to | $1,500,000 | $1,500 | $730 |
$1,500,001 | to | $2,000,000 | $2,000 | $953 |
$2,000,001 | to | $2,500,000 | $3,000 | $1,450 |
$2,500,001 | to | $3,000,000 | $4,000 | $1,948 |
$3,000,001 | to | $4,000,000 | $5,000 | $2,439 |
$4,000,001 | to | $5,000,000 | $6,000 | $2,911 |
$5,000,001 | to | $6,000,000 | $7,000 | $3,149 |
$6,000,001 | to | $7,000,000 | $8,000 | $3,587 |
$7,000,001 | to | $8,000,000 | $9,000 | $4,025 |
$8,000,001 | to | $9,000,000 | $10,000 | $4,462 |
$9,000,001 | to | $10,000,000 | $11,000 | $4,900 |
$10,000,001 | to | $15,000,000 | $18,000 | $7,716 |
$15,000,001 | to | $20,000,000 | $20,000 | $8,644 |
$20,000,001 | to | $30,000,000 | $26,000 | $9,319 |
$30,000,001 | to | $50,000,000 | $35,500 | $11,395 |
$50,000,001 | to | $75,000,000 | $39,250 | $12,264 |
$75,000,001 | to | $100,000,000 | $43,000 | $13,432 |
$100,000,001 | to | $150,000,000 | $48,500 | $15,180 |
$150,000,001 | to | $200,000,000 | $54,000 | $16,929 |
$200,000,001 | to | $250,000,000 | $59,250 | $18,538 |
$250,000,001 | to | $300,000,000 | $64,750 | $20,286 |
$300,000,001 | to | $350,000,000 | $71,000 | $22,192 |
$350,000,001 | to | $400,000,000 | $76,500 | $23,939 |
$400,000,001 | to | $450,000,000 | $81,750 | $25,550 |
$450,000,001 | to | $500,000,000 | $87,250 | $27,297 |
$500,000,001 | to | $600,000,000 | $92,500 | $28,909 |
$600,000,001 | to | $700,000,000 | $98,000 | $30,656 |
$700,000,001 | to | $800,000,000 | $103,500 | $32,403 |
$800,000,001 | to | $900,000,000 | $108,750 | $34,014 |
$900,000,001 | to | $1,000,000,000 | $114,250 | $35,762 |
$1,000,000,001 | to | $1,250,000,000 | $122,250 | $38,247 |
$1,250,000,001 | to | $1,500,000,000 | $130,300 | $40,761 |
$1,500,000,001 | to | $1,750,000,000 | $138,500 | |
$1,750,000,001 | to | $2,000,000,000 | $146,500 | |
$2,000,000,001 | to | $2,250,000,000 | $154,500 | |
$2,250,000,001 | to | $2,500,000,000 | $162,750 | |
$2,500,000,001 | to | $2,750,000,000 | $170,750 | |
$2,750,000,001 | to | $3,000,000,000 | $178,750 | |
$3,000,000,001 | to | $3,250,000,000 | $187,000 | |
$3,250,000,001 | to | $3,500,000,000 | $195,000 | |
$3,500,000,001 | to | $3,750,000,000 | $203,000 | |
$3,750,000,001 | to | $4,000,000,000 | $211,250 |
Transit Management Company Dues Schedule
Category B – Transit Management Companies
A firm or corporation organized to provide professional management services to transit systems within the same boundaries as a U.S. or Canadian System provided that Management Company Membership shall not take the place of the transit system membership.
In addition, Transit Management Companies who also do consulting work must include revenue from consulting activities when calculating dues.
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Dues Schedule
1. Transit Systems Managed
Number of Transit Systems | Dues |
1 to 5 systems | $1,210 (minimum dues) |
6 or more systems | + $103 per additional system |
2. Consulting Work
Those Transit Management Companies who also do consulting work shall calculate their dues based on the Category C – Business Members schedule, and add that figure to the total from #1 above.
Business Member Dues Schedule
Category C – Business Members
Special rates available for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises and Woman-Owned Business Enterprises (see below).
Organizations which supply goods and services to the transit industry; provide professional consultation services; or engage in the construction of transit facilities.
Subcategories include:
- Manufacturers/Suppliers
- Consulting Companies
- Construction Contractors
Please note:
- Canadian bus-only transit systems have a separate dues schedule
- International transit systems should refer to Category E: Affiliates for membership and dues information.
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Dues Schedule
Annual Gross Transit Sales/Billings | Dues | ||
– | to | $100,000 | $1,300 |
$100,001 | to | $500,000 | $2,700 |
$500,001 | to | $ 1,000,000 | $5,575 |
$ 1,000,001 | to | $ 2,500,000 | $6,873 |
$ 2,500,001 | to | $ 4,000,000 | $8,572 |
$ 4,000,001 | to | $ 6,000,000 | $11,159 |
$ 6,000,001 | to | $ 10,000,000 | $14,548 |
$10,000,001 | to | $ 15,000,000 | $18,057 |
$15,000,001 | to | $ 20,000,000 | $20,789 |
$20,000,001 | to | $ 25,000,000 | $25,197 |
$25,000,001 | to | $ 30,000,000 | $27,930 |
$30,000,001 | to | $ 35,000,000 | $30,655 |
$35,000,001 | to | $ 40,000,000 | $35,073 |
$40,000,001 | to | $ 45,000,000 | $37,805 |
$45,000,001 | to | $ 50,000,000 | $40,528 |
$50,000,001 | to | $ 60,000,000 | $45,988 |
$60,000,001 | to | $ 70,000,000 | $46,907 |
$70,000,001 | to | $ 80,000,000 | $47,846 |
$80,000,001 | to | $ 90,000,000 | $48,803 |
$90,000,001 | to | $ 100,000,000 | $49,779 |
$100,000,001 | to | $ 120,000,000 | $50,774 |
$120,000,001 | to | $ 140,000,000 | $51,790 |
$140,000,001 | to | $ 160,000,000 | $52,825 |
$160,000,001 | to | $ 180,000,000 | $53,882 |
$180,000,001 | to | $ 200,000,000 | $54,960 |
$200,000,001 | to | $ 300,000,000 | $56,059 |
$300,000,001 | to | $ 400,000,000 | $57,180 |
$400,000,001 | to | $ 500,000,000 | $58,324 |
$500,000,001 | to | $ 750,000,000 | $59,490 |
$750,000,001 | to | $ 1,000,000,000 | $60,680 |
$ 1,000,000,001 | to | $ 1,250,000,000 | $61,590 |
$ 1,250,000,001 | to | $ 1,500,000,000 | $62,514 |
$ 1,500,000,001 | to | $ 1,750,000,000 | $63,452 |
$ 1,750,000,001 | to | $ 2,000,000,000 | $64,403 |
$ 2,000,000,001 | and up | $65,369 |
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
To qualify for this discount, APTA requires a copy of the letter from the certifying body with authorization under Federal Regulation Title 49 CFR Part 26 or Part 23. Your company’s most recent completed year’s transit sales/billings in North America must also be included on the application.
DBEs reporting annual gross transit sales of $500,000 or less: | |
Years One to Three of APTA Membership | $600 |
Years Four-Plus of APTA Membership | $1,200 |
DBEs reporting annual gross transit sales between $500,001-$2.5 million: | |
Dues calculated at 75 percent of business member dues |
DBEs reporting annual gross transit sales greater than $2.5 million: | |||||
Dues calculated at 100 percent of business member dues |
Woman-Owned Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises
To qualify for this discount, APTA requires a copy of your certifying documentation. Your company’s most recent completed year’s transit sales/billings in North America must also be included on the application.
WBEs, MBEs reporting annual gross transit sales of $2.5 million or less: Dues calculated at 75% of business member dues |
– | to | $100,000 | $975 |
$100,001 | to | $500,000 | $2,025 |
$500,001 | to | $1,000,000 | $4,182 |
$1,000,001 | to | $2,500,000 | $5,155 |
WBEs, MBEs reporting annual gross transit sales greater than $2.5 million: |
Dues calculated at 100% of business member dues |
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), Woman-Owned Business Enterprises (WBE), Minority Business Enterprises (MBE)
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)
To qualify for this discount, APTA requires a copy of the letter from the certifying body with authorization under Federal Regulation Title 49 CFR Part 26 or Part 23. Your company’s most recent completed year’s transit sales/billings in North America must also be included on the application.
DBEs reporting annual gross transit sales of $500,000 or less: | |
Years One to Three of APTA Membership | $600 |
Years Four-Plus of APTA Membership | $1,200 |
DBEs reporting annual gross transit sales between $500,001-$2.5 million: | |
Dues calculated at 75 percent of business member dues |
DBEs reporting annual gross transit sales greater than $2.5 million: | |||||
Dues calculated at 100 percent of business member dues |
Woman-Owned Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises
To qualify for this discount, APTA requires a copy of your certifying documentation. Your company’s most recent completed year’s transit sales/billings in North America must also be included on the application.
WBEs, MBEs reporting annual gross transit sales of $2.5 million or less: Dues calculated at 75% of business member dues |
– | to | $100,000 | $975 |
$100,001 | to | $500,000 | $2,025 |
$500,001 | to | $1,000,000 | $4,182 |
$1,000,001 | to | $2,500,000 | $5,155 |
WBEs, MBEs reporting annual gross transit sales greater than $2.5 million: |
Dues calculated at 100% of business member dues |
Governmental Agency Dues Schedule
Category D – Governmental Agencies
- Non-Operating State Departments of Transportation
- Metropolitan Planning Organizations
- Government Agency Members
Includes agencies of local or regional levels of government responsible for the planning and/or development of public transit systems.
NOTE: If your agency manages operations of bus or rail for commuters in your district, please apply as a Transit Agency. The Government Agency category is for non-operating agencies at the regional or state level, such as DOTs, planning organizations and more.
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Dues Schedule
Population | Dues |
Under 1,000,000 | $ 1,084 |
1,000,001 to 3,500,000 | $ 1,425 |
3,500,001 to 6,000,000 | $ 2,791 |
6,000,001 to 10,000,000 | $ 4,343 |
Over 10,000,001 | $ 5,772 |
Affiliate Dues Schedule
Category E – Affiliates (06a – 06n)
Broad-ranged category which includes the following:
- Associated Railroads (06a)
- D.C. Based Legislative Representatives (06e)
- High Speed Rail Authorities (06b)
- International Transit Systems and Authorities (06d)
- Land Developers (06l)
- Labor Unions (06n1 and 06n2)
- New Transit Enterprises (06c)
- Public Interest Groups (06j)
- Publications (06g)
- Single Professional Consultants (06m)
- State Associations (06h)
- Transportation Management Associations (06f)
- Universities and Research Institutes (06i)
- Vanpool/Carpool Providers (06k)
Please call the APTA Membership Department for further information on category descriptions and specified dues.
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Dues Schedule
06a, 06b, 06c, 06d, 06f, 06h, 06i,06k | $615 |
06e, 06g, 06l, 06m | $657 |
06j | $1,000 |
06n1 (small) | $2,500 |
06n2 (large) | $5,000 |
Retiree Dues Schedule
Category F – Retirees
Retirees are those persons who have retired from public transit systems or related businesses who wish to maintain their contacts with the public transportation industry. Individuals who are involved in or seek fee-based consulting activity are not eligible for membership in this category.
Please Note: Retiree membership includes access to MyAPTA, to the Online Membership Directory and to Passenger Transport.
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Dues Schedule
Retiree dues are based on a flat fee of $112.