We trust the information below will answer any questions you have about calculating your APTA dues.

Q: How are APTA dues calculated?

Each membership category has a different basis for calculating APTA dues.  After you determine the appropriate category, visit the web page for that category for details on calculating dues for that category.

Q: When will I next receive an invoice for APTA dues?

For current members, an invoice will be mailed to you around June 1 of each year. Your annual dues payment covers APTA’s fiscal year of July 1 through June 30.

Q: How do I make sure I’m paying the correct amount of dues?

In the spring of each year, APTA members receive an email requesting that they review their dues basis and provide updated information to APTA.  This information will be used to calculate each member’s dues amount for the new fiscal year.

The email requesting the updated dues basis information is sent to each organization’s primary contact and invoice contact, as listed in our records.

Please respond promptly when you receive this email.

Q: How much are my dues for next year?

APTA’s dues for the upcoming 2019-2020 fiscal year have not yet been finalized.  Visit the membership category pages linked in the right column of this page to view the dues for the current fiscal year.  You may also call the membership staff for assistance with estimating next year’s dues.

Q: What are the APTA membership categories?

APTA has six different membership categories: U.S. & Canadian Transit Agencies, Transit Management Companies, Business Members, Governmental Agencies, Affiliates, and Retirees.

Please see the Membership Categories Overview page for detailed definitions of each category. If you still aren’t sure which membership category you fit in, please contact the Membership Department.

Q: How do I calculate annual operating expenses or sales/billing if my fiscal year hasn’t ended yet?

Please provide the total from your most recently completed calendar/fiscal year, not from the current calendar/fiscal year.  The number should be an actual number, not a budgeted amount or an estimate based on future expected work.

As an example, if your fiscal year ends on June 30, your most recent completed fiscal year would be the year ending last June 30, not next June 30.

Q: Does my business qualify for the DBE/MBE/WBE rate?

APTA offers reduced dues to assist business owners who are designated as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), or Woman-owned Business Enterprise (WBE).

To qualify:

  • The organization must submit proof of DBE, MBE, or WBE status. Either a state/federal certificate, or a letter from a transit system which states that the organization has been awarded a contract based on its DBE/MBE/WBE status or has been considered as a DBE/MBE/WBE under the system’s guidelines.
  • Your organization’s North American transit sales or billings must be below $2.5 million. The dues schedule specifies the discounted rates available.

Q: What are Gross Transit Sales or Billings (for Business Members)?

Gross sales are defined as the total dollar sales in the public transportation industry and not gross sales associated with other activities. Please be sure that you include all transit industry sales or billings for goods and services, both direct and indirect, produced in or bound for North America, based on your most recent completed fiscal year.

Q: What are Operating Expenses (for Transit Agency Members)?

Operating expenses, including paratransit, include all costs and expenses paid or accrued arising in connection with or from the operation, maintenance, and/or management or supervision of transit operations, excluding any provision of payment for depreciation or replacement reserves or funds.

Excluded are interest and principal payments or accruals on any form of debt assumed or incurred in the acquisition, construction, extension, improvement, modification or replacement of any transit system equipment or appurtenances thereto. Federal, state, or local income taxes paid or accrued on any and all transit operations also should be excluded.

Q: If I join in the middle of the year, will my dues be prorated?

Yes, your dues will be prorated based on the number of months remaining in APTA’s fiscal year, which covers July 1 through June 30 annually.

For example:

Date Joined: December 1
Membership prorated for: December 1-June 30 (7 months)
Annual Dues: $1,300
$1,300 (annual fee) x 7 (months remaining) / 12 = $758
Remit: $758

Q: What if I have more questions?

If you need additional assistance with the Dues Calculation Information Request email or general membership questions, please contact:

Director – Membership Linda Gill Anderson 202-496-4837 landerson@apta.com
Senior Membership Manager Lisa Lockman 202-496-4809 llockman@apta.com
Membership Coordinator Chris Bellerdine 202-496-4822 cbellerdine@apta.com