WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 1, 2021) – “The American Public Transportation Association (APTA), on behalf of the entire public transportation industry, commends the U.S. House of Representatives for passage of H.R. 3684, the ‘INVEST in America Act’, a landmark piece of legislation. This bill will transform America’s public transportation infrastructure, and we thank Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Chair Peter A. DeFazio (D-OR), Chair of the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), and Chair of the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials Donald M. Payne, Jr. (D-NJ), and House Committee on Ways and Means Chair Richard E. Neal (D-MA) for their extraordinary leadership and vision in crafting this legislation.

H.R. 3684 makes critical investments to surface transportation infrastructure, including $109 billion for public transportation and $100 billion for commuter rail, Amtrak, and other high-performance rail. It puts us on the path to increase access to opportunities for all Americans and build more equitable communities. The INVEST in America Act also addresses the environmental and sustainability challenges facing our communities, nation, and the world. H.R. 3684 also reflects key pillars of APTA’s Surface Transportation Authorization Recommendations, addressing the $105 billion state-of-good-repair backlog, and providing the necessary investment to meet growing demand by funding all projects in the Capital Investment Grant pipeline.

The passage of the INVEST in America Act is a vital and necessary step to provide the transformational investment in infrastructure the country so desperately needs. We look forward to continuing to work with Congress and the Biden Administration to achieve the shared goal of meeting the growing and evolving mobility demands of our cities and communities. The time to act is now.”


The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) is a nonprofit international association of 1,500 public- and private-sector organizations which represent a $80 billion industry that directly employs 448,000 people and supports millions of private sector jobs. APTA members are engaged in the areas of bus, paratransit, light rail, commuter rail, subways, waterborne services, and intercity and high-speed passenger rail. This includes: transit systems; planning, design, construction, and finance firms; product and service providers; academic institutions; transit associations and state departments of transportation. APTA is the only association in North America that represents all modes of public transportation. APTA members serve the public interest by providing safe, efficient and economical transit services and products.

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