Industry Resources

Workforce development-related resources and publications from APTA and industry partners including National Transit Curriculum, National Transit Institute, and the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP).

Member Regional Professional Development Programs

Workforce development programs developed by APTA regional partner agencies. The examples range from frontline worker development resources and executive programs to strategies for overall employee retainment. These resources are provided both as a sample of the opportunities available to transit workers and as model programs for agencies attempting to develop their own training and development initiatives. The valuable local and regional programs detailed in the links below demonstrate our industry-wide commitment to developing the transportation workforce.
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National Transit Curriculum

The National Transit Curriculum is an introductory college-level course, consisting of a set of modules designed by representatives of a number of transit agencies and universities. Each of these modules can be taught individually, but together they form a comprehensive curriculum that gives a valuable perspective on the transit industry.
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National Workforce Programs

National programs, projects, conferences, and related workforce-development initiatives.
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TCRP Reports

Publications by Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) addressing contemporary issues in workforce development and public transportation management.
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