Flint Mass Transportation Authority (MI)

OCT 2016 – OCT 2017
Harmony Lloyd

MTA Flint will develop a mobility management program, including coordinated non-emergency medical transportation, trip planning and training. The program will provide rides to wellness appointments for behavioral health patients, dialysis patients, and primary/urgent care for families, and elderly and elderly disabled patients in Flint and nearby Genesee County. Flint MTA, Valley AAA, Genesee Health System,state & local Depts of Health & Human Services, Greater Flint Health Coalition, Michigan Children’s Healthcare Access Program, & Jewish Community Services. The project is part of the FY 2016 Rides to Wellness Demonstration and Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Grant Program.

MTA Maryland developing trip coordination software (MD)


MTA Maryland and its partners will develop software to coordinate and provides transportation to and from non-emergency medical appointments at no cost to the individuals. Western Maryland Health System, the Tri-State Community Health Center, the Allegany County Health Department & the Core Service Agency. The project is part of the FY 2016 Rides to Wellness Demonstration and Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Grant Program.

kat 2-1-1 Call Center (TN)

Dawn Distler

Knoxville Area Transit will expand its 2-1-1 call center as a single point of entry for older adults and people with disabilities to access transit to healthcare facilities in the region. Train public information staff, healthcare providers and residents on how to use KAT buses. Cherokee Health Systems, Knox County Health Department & the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization. The project is part of the FY 2016 Rides to Wellness Demonstration and Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Grant Program.

Michigan DOT (MI)


Michigan DOT will expand a brokerage-based program currently only available in certain parts of the state to a statewide model. The coordination software records trips reserved by county in each region based on trip types, procedures and clinic visits. Local health centers will integrate the software and refer clients to the service. Partners include the Michigan Public Transit Association, MassTrans, CTAA, and area health centers. The project is part of the FY 2016 Rides to Wellness Demonstration and Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Grant Program.

RFP: KCATA – On Call Innovative Service Model Research (KS, MO)

April 2018
Denise Adams

The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) is the regional transit authority in the Kansas City metropolitan area. KCATA is requesting proposals from a qualified and experience firm(s) to provide on-call services in the areas of innovative service model research, planning, crowd-sourcing/hackathon management, implementation and evaluation services.

Rabbittransit – Geisinger Unveils New Transportation Program (PA)

April – December 2018
Rich Farr

Geisinger Health System is partnering with Rabbittransit, a regional transportation company that operates in 10 counties in central and southcentral Pennsylvania: Adams, Columbia, Cumberland, Franklin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, Union and York. Through its partnerships, Rabbittransit can arrange patient transport in additional counties in Geisinger’s coverage area including Luzerne, Lycoming, Schuylkill and Lackawanna.

The pilot program will be conducted in two locations: the Scranton area, within 25 miles, to test an urban setting, and the Danville area, within 50 miles, to test a rural setting.

Valley Metro + Waymo announce technology & transit partnership (AZ)

Rob Antoniak

Valley Metro and Waymo joined forces to introduce a new partnership that will help drive the future of transportation. Using Waymo’s self-driving vehicle technology, Valley Metro will participate in an innovative travel solution pilot that can be modeled across the country. Visit their website to learn more about the partnership

Bicycle and Transit Integration: A practical transit agency guide to bicycle integration and equitable mobility

Dan Suraci

This guide represents a series of recommended best practices and solutions for facilitating bicycle integration with transit services, and is informed by the experiences of a diverse variety of transit agencies across North America. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to transit agencies and municipalities seeking to facilitate active first/last mile connections to transit, reduce congestion and promote healthy communities. Optimal strategies for integrating bicycles with transit are context-driven, based on an agency’s mode(s), ridership, geography, regulatory environment and other place-based factors. To address this variability, each section of this document is organized with a common structure that includes a decision-making framework to guide planners and policy makers through the process of evaluating their specific conditions and tailoring strategies to meet those needs. Included are case studies, useful tips, tested strategies and definitions, as well as recommended methodologies for data collection and other resources. Whether just beginning to address bicycle ridership or exploring options to increase existing service, every transit system is situated within a unique community and reg ulatory context. Read the guide

Universal Mobility as a Service: A bold vision for harnessing the opportunity for disruption


Transit provides important connections for the more than 100 million nondrivers in the United States (including the one in five older adults who do not drive), according to the AARP. Still, many of these nondrivers do not have sufficient mobility options. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) offers potential solutions to the accessibility concerns that Americans with disabilities, lower-income Americans, and older Americans have. Public transportation will continueto serve as the backbone of any future MaaS networks that adequately provide services to those with greater mobility needs. New mobility services that donot work in concert with public transit services run the risk of segmenting ridership based on income and leaving lower-income travelers behind. Look into AARP’s new report, Universal Mobility as a Service: A Bold Vision for Harnessing the Opportunity of Disruption, for more details.

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