For more than 125 years, APTA has been the leading voice for bus and rail transportation in America. APTA created the Center for High-Speed Rail to bring together the expertise and resources of its members to realize the vision of high-speed rail in the United States.
APTA is home to the legacy members of the former High-Speed Ground Transportation Association (HSGTA), which served as the leading advocate for high-speed rail in America for two decades. In 2006, HSGTA elected to merge with the American Public Transportation Association, combining their expertise and reputation of HSGTA with the resources and legislative capacity of APTA to realize the vision of high speed rail in the United States.
In addition, APTA’s business members include small and large companies with international expertise in financing, construction, maintenance, supply and operation of rail systems worldwide. APTA members work through its High-Speed and Intercity Rail Committee, the Legislative Committee and other forums to provide expertise and leadership on development and operation of effective, efficient and safe high-speed rail programs.
Working Together with Other Industry Leaders
APTA, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the States for Passenger Rail (S4PRC), have worked for years to elevate the development of high-speed and intercity passenger rail as a national priority.
With the passage of the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008, high-speed and intercity passenger rail is clearly a federally funded national priority. The focus now is on launching high-speed rail in a comprehensive manner, and in expanding it in the years ahead.
- AASHTO, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, represents the transportation departments in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. For a decade, AASHTO has advocated for the enactment of a federal rail capital grant program for the states. AASHTO provides information, technical assistance and communications support for its members who are eligible applicants for federal high-speed and intercity passenger rail grants.
- The States for Passenger Rail Coalition is an alliance of state departments of transportation that supports intercity passenger rail initiatives and advocates for federal funding. S4PRC’s efforts center on the development of a dedicated financial structure that fosters a national intercity passenger rail system. Such a system would harness the energy and environmental benefits of rail as part of a sustainable transportation system that enhances economic development.
- The International Union of Railways (UIC) is the worldwide organization for international cooperation among railways. UIC’s main missions are to promote rail transport across the world in order to cope with current challenges of mobility and sustainable development, by enhancing international cooperation between its members, building a consistent railway system and achieving projects of global dimension.