CapMetro Pickup

JUN 2017 – JUN 2018
Austin, TX

Pickup by Cap Metro is an on-demand service in partnership with VIA that can take customers to anywhere within its service zone. Customers can request a ride directly from your phone. Pickup serves an area of Northeast Austin stretching from the intersection of Manor Rd. and Airport Blvd. to the I-35 access road north of Rutherford. It includes the Mueller Development, Capital Plaza, Coronado Hills and Cameron Road near Dobie Middle School. The service can now also bring MetroRail riders between its service zone and MLK MetroRail Station.

This pilot program is available 6 days a week: weekdays between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday.

Customers need to download the app from the app store, register for an account and they’ll be ready to go. The ride should be there within 15 minutes, and those without access to the smartphone app can call a call center. For the limited duration of the pilot, this service is free of charge.

Caltrain Mobile

San Carlos, CA

Caltrain commuter rail, San Carlos, CA, launched its official mobile ticketing app Feb. 10. The app designed by moovel North America LLC, available for both iOS and Android operating systems, allows riders to purchase and activate a variety of fare media from their smartphones.

The Caltrain app includes a Trip Tools option that allows riders to access the system’s website for schedules and link up with ticketing apps for the neighboring San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority systems, whose apps are also designed by moovel.

SEPTA Mobile App

February 2018
Philadelphia, PA

In Philadelphia, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) introduced a new version of its official app for Apple and Android devices that can be customized to allow users a more personal experience. The app now allows users to “favorite” frequent trips to access next vehicle arrival information and consolidates service advisories, detours and weather information on a single page.

SEPTA also updated its TrainView page, which provides visual location updates for SEPTA Regional Rail trains approximately every 30 seconds and also can be accessed from the system’s website.

VVTA Mobile Ticketing App

February 2018
Hesperia, CA

The Victor Valley Transit Authority, Hesperia, CA, introduced updated mobile apps for Apple and Android that enable passengers to plan trips, track buses in real time and view route maps and schedules. The apps, developed by Syncromatics, feature a live map that offers announcements and passenger alerts in real time and soon will also include text message updates.

Santa Clarita Mobile App

February 2018
Santa Clarita, CA

Santa Clarita (CA) Transit launched a mobile ticketing app from Token Transit, which allows riders to purchase tickets and passes with their smartphones. The app also allows users to store account information for added convenience.

Request for Information – Mobile Ticketing – Dayton RTA

May 2018
Dayton, OH

RTA in order to provide high quality, accessible services to its customers, is looking to replace its existing cash and magnetic tickets-based Automated Fare Collection (AFC) system with a new electronic payments solution. The payments solution will be an integral part of a MaaS platform planned for the Greater Dayton region, which may span a minimum of 9 counties. This solution must provide customers with an easy-to-use, open and integrated payment platform, connecting along all mobility modes identified in the region. Mobility modes include, but are not limited to fixed route transit, demand response (including ADA complementary paratransit) transit, human services transportation, ridesharing services, taxis, transit network companies (TNC), bike share(B-Cycle), parking meters and garages. The report, Final Memo- Mobility as a Service Concept, provided along with this Request for Letters of Interest highlights key elements of the MaaS concept Dayton is planning to implement.