• Larger Transit Agencies
  • All Transit Agencies & Local Links, by County & City
  • Rail
  • Ferry
  • Statewide, Intercity, & Regional

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Larger Transit Agencies (more than 2 million boardings per year)

Eugene: Lane TD
Portland: TriMet
Salem: Salem-Keizer Transit

All Transit Agencies & Local Links, by County & City

If county and/or city of organization you are looking for is unknown, search by clicking “edit”, then “find on(in) this page”.

Note: some counties may also be served by transit agencies in adjoining counties.

Baker | Benton | Clackamas | Clatsop | Columbia | Coos | Crook | Curry | Deschutes | Douglas | Gilliam | Grant | Harney | Hood River | Jackson | Jefferson | Josephine | Klamath | Lake | Lane | Lincoln | Linn | Malheur | Marion | Morrow | Multnomah | Polk | Sherman | Tillamook | Umatilla | Union | Wallowa | Wasco | Washington | Wheeler | Yamhill

Baker County
Baker City Northeast Oregon Public Transit
Benton County

Albany Transit (Call-A-Ride, Linn-Benton Loop)


CWCOG (Cascades West Council of Governments Carpool/Vanpool)

Corvallis Night Owl

BCDAB (Benton County Special Transportation Program, Benton County Dial-a-Bus)

CTS (Corvallis Transit System)

Clackamas County
Canby Canby Ferry (CF)

CAT (Canby Area Transit)

Milwaukie TriMet​
Molalla SCTD (South Clackamas Transportation District)
Oak Grove TriMet

Ride Connection (RC)

TriMet (Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon)



Hop Smartcard​

Sandy Fareless SAM (Sandy Area Metro, Sandy Transit Area Rides, SAM, STAR)
Wilsonville SMART (South Metro Area Rapid Transit), TriMet
Clatsop County
Astoria ARTA (Astoria Riverfront Trolley Association)

The Bus (Sunset Empire Transportation District, SETD)

Cannon Beach CBS (City of Cannon Beach Shuttle)
Raymond, WA PTS (Pacific Transit System)
Columbia County
Saint Helens Columbia County Rider (Columbia County Transportation, CCT)
Coos County
Brookings CCPT (Curry County Public Transit)
Coquille CCAT (Coos County Area Transit, Dial-a-Ride)
Crook County
Prineville SSC (Soroptimist Senior Center)
Curry County
Brookings CCPT (Curry County Public Transit)
Deschutes County
Bend ParaTransit Services

Cascades East Transit

Central Oregon Breeze


La Pine La Pine Dial-a-Ride
Redmond Redmond Dial-a-Ride
Sisters Sisters Dial-a-Ride
Douglas County
Roseburg U-Trans (Umpqua Community Action Network)
Sutherlin Douglas Rides Community Transportation
Winston Douglas Rides Community Transportation
Gilliam County
Condon GCST (Gilliam County Special Transportation)
Grant County
John Day People Mover (Grant County Transportation District, GCTD)
Monument MSCA (Monument Senior Citizens Association)
Harney County
Burns Harney County Dial-A-Ride
Hood River County
Cascade Locks CLST (City of Cascade Locks Senior Transportation)
Hood River CAT (Hood River County Transportation District, Columbia Area Transit)

Wasco – Hood River County Fixed Route Service

Jackson County
Ashland ASP (City of Ashland Senior Program)

Cascade Airport Shuttle

Medford RVTD (Rogue Valley Transportation District)
Jefferson County
Madras Madras Dial-a-Ride
Warm Springs WSDAR (Warm Springs Dial-a-Ride)
Josephine County
Grants Pass JC Transit (Josephine Community Transit Express Connections)
Klamath County
Chiloquin Klamath Tribes (KT)
Klamath Falls BTS (Basin Transit Service)

KBSCC (Klamath Basin Senior Citizens Council)

Lake County
Christmas Valley NLWC (North Lake Wellness Center)
Lakeview LCSCA (Lake County Senior Citizens Association)
Lane County
Cottage Grove SLW (South Lane Wheels)
Eugene Diamond Express (DE)

STS (Lane Council of Governments, Special Transportation Services)

LTD (Lane Transit District)

Florence Rhody Express
Oakridge City of Oakridge
Lincoln County
Newport LCT (Lincoln County Transportation Service District, Lincoln County Transit)
Linn County

Albany Transit (Call-A-Ride, Linn-Benton Loop)

LCSS (Linn County Senior Services)


CWCOG (Cascades West Council of Governments Carpool/Vanpool)

Lebanon Lebanon Dial-a-Bus
Sweet Home Linn Shuttle (Sweet Home Dial-A-Bus)
Malheur County
Nyssa NSC (Nyssa Senior Center)
Ontario MCTS (Malheur County Special Transportation Services)

OSC (Ontario Senior Center)

Vale VSC (Vale Senior Center)
Marion County
Buena Vista BVF (Buena Vista Ferry)

Cherriots (Salem-Keizer Transit, Cherrylift, SKT)

Wheels (Wheels Community Transportation)

Silverton Silver Trolley (ST)
Unionvale Wheatland Ferry (WF)
Wilsonville SMART (South Metro Area Rapid Transit)
Woodburn WPWD (City of Woodburn Public Works Department Transit Division)
Morrow County
Heppner MCT (Morrow County Transportation)
Multnomah County
Airport Ground Transportation Portland International Airport (PDX)

Portland Streetcar (PS)

Ride Connection (RC)

SIES (Swan Island Transportation Mangement Association Evening Shuttle)

TriMet (Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon)


LDTMA (Lloyd District Transportation Management Association)


Portland Transit (PT)

Portland Vintage Trolley

WCCR (Washington County Commuter Rail, Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon)

Sandy Fareless SAM (Sandy Area Metro, Sandy Transit Area Rides, SAM, STAR)
Tualatin TTMA (Tualatin Transportation Management Association Shuttle Service) , RideConnection
Vancouver, WA C-Tran (Clark County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority)
Polk County
Buena Vista BVF (Buena Vista Ferry)
Dallas PCDAR (Polk County Dial-a-Ride)
Salem CARTS (Chemeketa Area Regional Transportation System)

Cherriots (Salem-Keizer Transit, Cherrylift, SKT)

Wheels (Wheels Community Transportation)

Sherman County
Moro Sherman County Community Transit
Tillamook County
Tillamook Tillamook Transit (Tillamook County Transportation District, TCTD)
Umatilla County
Hermiston HSC (Hermiston Senior Center)
Milton-Freewater City of Milton-Freewater
Pendleton City of Pendleton

Kayak Public Transit

Union County
LaGrande CCUC (Community Connection of Union County)
Wallowa County
Enterprise CCWC (Community Connection of Wallowa County)
Wasco County
The Dalles The Link (Mid-Columbia Council of Governments Transportation Network)
Mosier SMV (Seniors of Mosier Valley)
Wamic WSB (Wamic Senior Bus)
Washington County
Beaverton Nimbus Shuttle (Westside Transportation Alliance, WTA)
Newberg Link Bus (Link Bus Transportation, Newberg Town Flyer)

Ride Connection (RC)

TriMet (Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon)


CRTP (CascadeLink Regional Transportation Page)

CFST (Citizens for Sensible Transportation)


Portland Transit (PT)


Tualatin TTMA (Tualatin Transportation Management Association Shuttle Service)
Wilsonville SMART (South Metro Area Rapid Transit)
Wheeler County
Spray WCCT (Wheeler County Community Transportation)
Yamhill County
McMinnville YCAP (Yamhill Community Action Program, Yamhill County Transportation)
Newberg Link Bus (Link Bus Transportation, Newberg Town Flyer)

Yamhill County Transit Area

Unionvale Wheatland Ferry (WF)

Rail (listed by area)

Statewide AORTA (Association of Oregon Rail and Transit Advocates)
Astoria ARTA (Astoria Riverfront Trolley Association)

Portland Streetcar (PS)

TriMet (Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon)


Portland Transit (PT)

Vintage Trolley (VT)

WCCR (Washington County Commuter Rail, Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon)

Ferry (listed by area)

Mid-Willamette River BVF (Buena Vista Ferry)

Wheatland Ferry (WF)

Portland Canby Ferry (CF)
Westport, Oregon Columbia River Ferry

Ferry Wahkiakum

Statewide, Intercity, & Regional

Statewide AORTA (Association of Oregon Rail and Transit Advocates)

ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation)

Oregon Department Of Transit Public Transit Division

Oregon Department Of Transportation Trip Check

OTA (Oregon Transit Association)

Intercity Amtrak

Greyhound (Greyhound Lines)

Groome Transportation

HAL (Hut Airport Limousine)

POINT (Public Oregon INtercity Transit)

RBSL (Red Ball Stage Lines) (unofficial)

Moffit Brothers Transportation

Regional None