Groundbreaking analysis measures public transportation’s impact on the nation’s economic productivity for the first time. Investment in transit can yield 49,700 jobs per $1 billion invested, and offers a 5 to 1 economic return. Investment offers productivity gains long after the short-term stimulative effect. Download the 2020 Report Economic Impact of Public Transportation Investment.

Read the Executive Summary of the 2020 report.

Previous Economic Impact Studies

This white paper focuses on the many economic benefits derived from  public transportation. Members are encouraged to use this document when reaching out to their legislators.

This report estimates the economic impact of transit service including jobs supported by type, value added to the economy, business sales output, labor income, and added tax revenue. Download the accompanying presentation here.

America’s highways, roads and public transportation systems contribute to virtually everything of value in our  economy and lives – from linking businesses to their suppliers and customers, to bringing jobs, education, health care, recreation and government services within every American’s reach.  This report measures those benefits and the costs required to achieve them.

Using state-of-the-art analytic techniques, this study affirms the significant positive economic impact of transit investments on jobs and business revenue.  An early analysis using sophisticated modeling techniques, this report verifies the continued positive results of studies about transit economic benefits.

An analytical report by Dr. David Alan Aschauer, Senior Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, explains why one way to generate higher productivity growth is through increased funding for transportation, in general, and for public transit in particular.  This early analysis of transit benefits shows the consistent positive economic impact of transit using changing analytical methodologies.