APTA’s Bus and Rail Transit Safety Management Audit Programs provide expert assessment and recommendations to transit agencies regarding compliance with federal safety laws and regulations.  The audit programs include Safety Management System (SMS) – based criteria to reflect requirements from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), including those most recently published in FTA’s Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan at 49 U.S.C Part 673.

APTA’s Commuter Rail Safety Management Audit Program includes Safety Management System (SMS)- based criteria to reflect requirements from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), including those most recently published in the FRA’s System Safety Rule at 49 U.S.C. Part 270.

Other benefits include:

  • Application and implementation of safety management system practices that have been established as transit industry and railroad standards (including application of APTA standards / recommend practices).
  • Thorough review and analysis of an agency’s PTASP (bus and rail transit properties regulated by FTA) and/or SSP (railroad properties regulated by FRA).
  • Continuous improvement of safety and security throughout a transit system.
  • Enhanced SMS-based processes, for improvement of service delivery and workplace safety; and
  • Review of COVID-19 response and recovery efforts, if applicable.

Through this program, APTA sends a group of experts on-site to a bus or rail transit or railroad property for a few days to over a week to examine the agency’s safety, security, operations, and maintenance practices. We interview multiple people across the spectrum at an agency from safety to planning to HR to operations and maintenance. At the end of our time on-site, we prepare a presentation to an agency’s top management and subsequently prepare a final report with checklist. The final report is the proprietary information of the requesting property, and we do not share with anyone besides the requesting agency.

One pagers for the APTA Safety Management Audit Programs: