As a result of inclement weather, natural disasters and security concerns of the past few years, transit system, their suppliers, and other entities have come to understand the urgency of preparedness in the advent of a catastrophic event. APTA’s Emergency Response and Preparedness Program (ERPP) is an online “mutual aid” tool designed to assist in times of these unfortunate disasters and other situations. This site provides a venue by which fellow transit systems and industry entities can volunteer and /or access resources in order to prepare for an expected event or in the wake of an unforeseen situation. Additionally, the information gathered on the ERPP site can enhance an organization’s existing emergency plans by adding other resources if needed.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has partnered with APTA in developing and administering this program, in an effort to aid the industry’s emergency preparedness and response. To preview how the site operates, please click on the link below.