The Public Transportation Information Sharing and Analysis Center (PT-ISAC) is a trusted, sector-specific entity which provides to its constituency a 24/7 Security Operating Capability that established the sector’s specific critical information/intelligence requirements for incidences, threats and vulnerabilities.
The Transit And Rail Intelligence Awareness Daily (TRIAD) Report has replaced the PT-ISAC Daily Report. The TRIAD provides ISAC participants with a quick, easy-to-read synopsis in three fundamental areas – suspicious activities, terrorism and counterterrorism analysis, and general security awareness – with access to more in-depth detail through embedded links to supporting reports. The PT-ISAC also offers additional Cyber Daily Reports, as well as other critical reports.
The TRIAD is developed from the numerous sources of intelligence available to the Transportation community today, focusing on counter-terrorism, suspicious activity reports, and general security awareness. The Surface Transportation Security Information Library, available to those vetted to receive the TRIAD, acts as an information repository housing all sources of information provided in the TRIAD as well as other security products, information reviews, and intelligence not provided in the TRIAD. The information will remain available to users as a means for accessing the entirety of intelligence reviewed in the TRIAD and other relevant information, serving as a resource for future research into threats or mitigation techniques.
Based on its sector-focused subject matter analytical expertise, the PT-ISAC then collects, analyzes, and disseminates alerts and incident reports to its membership and helps the government understand impacts for their sector.