(Adopted by the Executive Committee on May 6, 2000) 
Revised – March 13, 2010 
Revised– May 14, 2016 
1.The Officers and members of the Executive Committee of the Association are expected to participate in more activities than would be the case for most Association members. Many of these activities require travel which results in corresponding travel expenses. The purpose of this policy is to provide an offset for some, but not all of the additional expense related to carrying out these duties. 

2. In this policy, the “Officers” shall be defined to include the Chair, Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair and the Secretary-Treasurer. 
3. It is expected that the Officers and Executive Committee Members will attend the Annual Conference, the Legislative Conference, the Rail Conference and the Bus Conference, at a minimum, to participate in Executive Committee meetings and/or Board meetings. Officers and Executive Committee Members are strongly encouraged t​o participate in all conference activities. Officers and Executive Committee Members shall be responsible for all expenses associated with attending these events, including conference registration fees, with the exception of any group meals planned by APTA. 
4. It is expected that the Officers of the Association and Executive Committee Members will attend an annual Executive Committee Retreat. APTA shall be responsible for expenses related to lodging and group meals. Executive Committee members may request reimbursement for all other expenses such as, individual meals, airfare, taxis to and from airport/hotel 
5.It is expected that each year the Officers and Executive Committee Members will attend approximately two Executive Committee meetings and one meeting of the Board of Directors which will be held independent of the major meetings. Executive Committee Members shall be responsible for all expenses associated with attending these meetings. Executive Committee members are strongly encouraged to attend these meetings in person, however, every effort will be made to provide an option to participate virtually. As the Officers are required to attend in person to lead these meetings and they should not participate virtually, APTA shall be responsible for all expenses related incurred by the Officers for their attendance at the meetings. 
6.It is encouraged that the four Officers will make every effort to attend the Transit Board Members Seminar, the Business Member Board of Governors Annual Meeting, and the Transit CEO’s Seminar. ATPA shall reimburse for all expenses incurred by the Officers for their attendance at two of these three events annually. APTA will not reimburse for the meeting the individual officer would usually attend by virtue of their role in the industry. For example, if a Transit Board Member held the position of Chair of APTA, APTA would not reimburse that individual for their participation in the Transit Board Members Seminar as it is anticipated that individual would attend the seminar irrespective of holding the position of APTA Chair. 
7.APTA staff is directed to obtain the most cost effective hotel contracts for all conferences and seminars. Complementary services provided by hotels as part of a master contract should be focused on securing complementary standard rooms for APTA staff and to maximize complementary conference services, resulting in the lowest possible total cost to APTA. 
8.APTA’s may reimburse the Officers for travel expenses and registration fees incurred in connection with congressional committees, or meetings in North America with outside groups of importance to the Association. APTA’s may reimburse the Officers for travel expenses incurred in connection with APTA meetings, workshop and seminars provided that the Officer is carrying out a specific activity related to the work of the Board of Directors. Any travel under this section must be approved by the Chair and such reimbursement shall be limited to an amount established at the time the Association’s annual operating budget is approved. Before authorizing travel, the Chair is expected to communicate with the President and Secretary-Treasurer concerning the status of the budget. 
9.In connection with the Canadian Urban Transit Association’s Annual Meeting, APTA will reimburse direct travel expenses for the Chair and Vice Chair. If either the Vice Chair or Vice Chair is not able to participate in this meeting, APTA shall reimburse the direct travel expenses of the Immediate Past Chair. 
10.In connection with the biennial meeting of the Union International des Transport Publics (UITP), APTA will reimburse direct travel expenses including the early bird registration fee for the Chair, and Vice Chair. If either the Chair or Vice Chair is not able to participate in this meeting, APTA shall reimburse the direct travel expenses of the Immediate Past Chair. 
11.APTA will reimburse Executive Committee members for travel expenses in connection with Executive Committee meetings when such meetings are scheduled in addition to the regularly scheduled Board and Executive Committee meetings and when it is deemed that an in-person meeting is crucial to the governance of the organization. Such meetings may be called by the Chair, with the concurrence of the other Officers. It is anticipated that this section of the policy would only be used in used rarely and in extraordinary circumstances. 
12.APTA does not reimburse travel expenses for any Officer or member of the Executive Committee except as explicitly provided in this policy. 
13.The budget for all travel expenses covered by this policy shall be specifically reviewed in detail by the Finance Committee and the Executive Committee as part of the Annual budget approval. Process. As part of this review, consideration shall be given to any unique circumstances that might impact the officers’ ability to fulfil their duties. 
14.Travel/Expense Requirements: 
  • Economy airfare is required for all flights 
  • Other allowable direct travel expenses include lodging, food, and other related business expenses. The use of public transportation is encouraged whenever practical, as an alternative, Transportation Network Companies (TNC’s) may be used. Automobile rentals are only permitted when other forms of transportation do not meet the traveler’s need or is more cost effective. 
  • The Association does not reimburse travelers for personal expenses such as movies, use of health clubs, athletic events, etc. 
  • Receipts are required for all expenses. APTA does not reimburse on a per diem basis. 
  • Travelers must use an APTA Travel Expense Report to request reimbursement. General instructions for completing the report are on the back of the form. 
  • Expense reimbursement requests shall be submitted to APTA’s Office of the President within 10 working days after the end of the business travel.
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