
Service on the Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors requires regular attendance at those bodies’ respective meetings.

Please read the details on meeting schedules​.

  • The APTA Board of Directors meets approximately three times per year
  • In addition to the meetings of the APTA Board of Directors, the Executive Committee meets approximately three times per year

A virtual option will be available for all Board of Director and Executive Committee meetings.

By submitting an application, the nominee (and where applicable, endorsing general manager, CEO, or board member) verifies the availability of the time and financial resources required to serve as an officer/director of APTA and attend scheduled meetings.

Nominee for a position on the APTA Executive Committee and Board of Directors understands that if elected, he/she will be expected to sign an APTA conflict of interest statement and governance code of conduct.

APTA Election Campaign Guidelines

Adopted March 9, 2002

  1. Personal letters, emails, personal conversations and phone calls are acceptable campaign strategies.
  2. Campaign events and distribution of campaign materials are not permitted during or in conflict with any APTA meeting or conference event. Campaigning may occur before or after an APTA meeting or conference event.
  3. APTA staff members or other APTA resources are not to play any role in campaign activities.
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