Today (March 28), President Joseph Biden released his fiscal year (FY) 2023 Budget request, outlining his Administration’s priorities for the next fiscal year.

Please click here to view the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Budget Highlights.

Please click here to view the DOT funding detailed in the President’s Budget Appendix.

Public Transit

President Biden requests $13.6 billion for public transportation, a $607 million increase from the FY 2022 enacted level. When combined with the advance appropriations included in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the President requests $21.1 billion for public transit in FY 2023.

The Budget request includes $2.85 billion for the Capital Investment Grants (CIG) program. When combined with IIJA funding, the Budget provides $4.5 billion for CIG projects in FY 2023. To view a list of the CIG projects proposed to be funded under the President’s Budget, see pages 53-54 of the DOT Budget Highlights.

In addition, the President requests $100 million for competitive Climate Resilience and Adaptation grants, $50 million for Zero Emission System Transformation Planning grants, and $50 million for Integrated Smart Mobility grants.

Please click here for APTA’s Public Transit Funding Table.

Passenger and Freight Rail

President Biden requests $4.7 billion for passenger and freight rail programs, a $1.3 billion increase from the FY 2022 enacted level. When combined with the IIJA’s advance appropriations, the President requests $17.9 billion for passenger and freight rail in FY 2023.

The Budget request includes $3.0 billion for Amtrak, a $669 million increase from the FY 2022 enacted level. When combined with the IIJA’s advance appropriations, the President requests $7.4 billion for Amtrak, including $5.0 billion for National Network grants and $2.4 billion for Northeast Corridor grants. In addition, the Budget provides $555 million for the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail grants; $500 million for the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement (CRISI) grants; and $245 million for Railroad Crossing Elimination grants. These amounts are in addition to the $8.8 billion provided for these competitive rail grant programs pursuant to IIJA advance appropriations.

Please click here for APTA’s Passenger Rail Funding Table.

U.S. Department of Transportation Programs

The Budget request provides $1.5 billion for Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) and Mega competitive grants for surface transportation projects, including public transportation and multi-modal projects.

Congressionally Designated Spending

The House Committee on Appropriations intends to accept congressionally designated spending requests from individual Members of Congress. On March 18, 2022, House Appropriations Committee Chair Rosa DeLauro wrote to her colleagues outlining the process for submission of Community Project Funding requests. Members may submit a total of 15 projects across all appropriations bills. Each Subcommittee Chair establishes deadlines for project submission for their subcommittee.

On March 27, THUD Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman David Price outlined the THUD Subcommittee process for Congressional Designated Spending in a Dear Colleague letter. For submissions, Chairman Price provided both General Guidance and Requirements and Specific Guidance for Transit Infrastructure Projects. All Member requests are due on April 29, 2022.

We urge you to begin working with your Member of Congress as soon as possible if you are interested in seeking a Congressionally Designated Project.