Below are the winners from previous Bus Roadeos.
40+ Operator Award
- 2019
Intercity Transit
Robert Woods
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, San Francisco, CA
Operator Kevin Grady - 2017
Riverside Transit Agency, Riverside, CA
Operator Kyle Jones - 2016
- Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Dallas, TX
- Operator: Jesus Rodriguez
- 2015
- San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, San Francisco, CA
- Operator: Operator: Kevin Grady
- 2014
- Spokane Transit Authority, Spokane, WA
- Operator: Gabe Fernos
- 2013
- Ames Transit Agency, Ames, IA
- Operator: Paul Klimesh
- 2012
- Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Jacksonville, FL
- Operator: Ramon Farfan
- 2011
- State of Florida, LYNX, Orlando, FL
- Operator: Pablo Perez
- 2010
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Houston, TX
- Operator: Frank Gonzales
- 2009
- Pierce County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority Corporation (Pierce Transit), Tacoma, WA
- Operator: Brentt Mackie
- 2008
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- Operator: Jesse Dela Cruz
- 2007
- Pierce County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority Corporation (Pierce Transit), Tacoma, WA
- Operator: Brentt Mackie
- 2006
- Snohomish County Public Transportation Benefit Area Corporation (Community Transit), Snohomish, WA
- Operator: Matt Chomjack
- 2005
- San Francisco Municipal, San Francisco, CA
- Operator: Kevin Grady
- 2004
- New Jersey Transit Corporation, Newark, NJ
- Operator: Edwin Negron
- 2003
- Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority, (Tri Delta Transit) Antioch, CA
- Operator: Gilbert Castro
- 2002
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Houston, TX
- Operator: Charlie N. Kennedy
- 2001
- Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), Philadelphia, PA
- Operator: Zenon Rinylo
- 2000
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- Operator: Jesse E. Dela Cruz
- 1999
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- Operator: Jesse E. Dela Cruz
- 1998
- Sacramento Regional Transit Authority, Sacramento, CA
- Operator: Robert J. Gartner
- 1997
- Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), Philadelphia, PA
- Operator: Zenon Rinylo
- 1996
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Houston, TX
- Operator: Henry DeBato
- 1995
- King County Dept. of Transportation Metro, Seattle, WA
- Operator: Donald L. Brady
- 1994
- Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Jacksonville, FL
- Operator: Kent Stover
- 1993
- Rochester-Genesee Regional Transit Authority, Rochester, NY
- Operator: Richard Bastedo
- 1992
- BC Transit, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
- Operator: George E. Norman
- 1991
- BC Transit, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
- Operator: George E. Norman
- 1990
- Sacramento Regional Transit District, Sacramento, CA
- Operator: Robert J. Gartner
- 1989
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Houston, TX
- Operator: John Gonzalez
- 1988
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of New York City Transit, New York, NY
- Operator: Robert Zuzworsky
- 1987
- Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, Seattle, WA
- Operator: Donald Brady
- 1986
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- Operator: Richard L. Vierra
- 1985
- Metropolitan Suburban Bus Authority, New York, NY
- Operator: Michael F. Murphy
- 1984
- Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), Atlanta, GA
- Operator: James Larry Boring
- 1983
- Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), Atlanta, GA
- Operator: James Larry Boring
- 1982
- Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), Atlanta, GA
- Operator: James Larry Boring
35- Operator Award
Greater Lynchburg Transit Company, Lynchburg, VA
Operator Jeremiah Gardner
Oahu Transit, Honolulu, HI
Douglas Rego
2016 Ben Fraklin Transit, Richland, WA
Operator: Gabriel Beliz
2015 Ben Fraklin Transit, Richland, WA
Operator: Gabriel Beliz
2014 Ben Fraklin Transit, Richland, WA
Operator: Gabriel Beliz
- 2013
- Ben Fraklin Transit, Richland, WA
- Operator: Gabriel Beliz
- 2012
- Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Austin, TX
- Operator: Arthur Murillo
- 2011
- Corpus Christi, Texas Regional Transportation Authority, Corpus Chrisi, TX
- Operator: Julian Carranza Jr.
- 2010
- Startran/Cap Metro, Austin, TX
- Operator: Operator: Tenouri AbdelKadar
- 2009
- Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA
- Operator: Daniel R. Schmidt
- 2008
- State of Texas (Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority), Austin, TX
- Operator: Arthur Murillo
- 2007
- Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA
- Operator: Daniel R. Schmidt
- 2006
- Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority, Columbia, SC
- Operator: Phillip Patterson
- 2005
- Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Austin, TX
- Operator: Arthur Murillo
- 2004
- Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), Atlanta, GA
- Operator: Jimmy Gibbs
- 2003
- Columbus Transit System (Metra), Columbus, GA
- Operator: Darrion Mitchell
- 2002
- Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Austin, TX
- Operator: Arthur Murillo
- 2001
- Link Transit, Wenatchee, WA
- Operator: Ignacio Medina
- 2000
- Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA
- Operator: Daniel R. Schmidt
- 1999
- Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA
- Operator: Daniel R. Schmidt
- 1998
- Yakima Transit, Yakima, WA
- Operator: Wayne Parsley
- 1997
- Modesto Area Express, Modesto, CA
- Operator: Timothy Orr
- 1996
- Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), Philadelphia, PA
- Operator: Carless Lee
- 1995
- Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority, Toledo, OH
- Operator: David W. Nowacki
- 1994
- Capital Area Transit – Raleigh, NC
- Operator: Bethel (Von) McKoy
- 1993
- Columbus Transit System (Metro), Columbus, GA
- Operator: Darrion Mitchell
- 1992
- Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA
- Operator: Daniel R Schmidt
- 1991
- Fort Worth Transportation Authority, Fort Worth, TX
- Operator: Robert W. Mills
- 1990
- San Mateo County Transit, Burlingame, CA
- Operator: Gary W. Johnson
- 1989
- TIE: Spokane Transit Authority – Spokane, WA
- Operator: David Losey
- Pierce County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority Corporation (Pierce Transit), Tacoma, WA
- Operator: Allen Martin
- 1988
- Pierce County Public Transportation Benefit Area Authority Corporation (Pierce Transit), Tacoma, WA
- Operator: George A. Barna
- 1987
- Central Ohio Transit Authority, Columbus, OH
- Operator: Charles Roberts
- 1986
- Blacksburg Transit, Blacksburg, VA
- Operator: Mark S. Wright
- 1985
- BC Transit, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
- Operator: G. Ernest Norman
Maintenance Team Award
- 2019 Orange County Transportation Authority
Raymond Consiglio, Patrick Courchaine, Chris Jordan
Foothill Transit, West Covina, CA
Tracy Nicometo, Fernando Murrieta, Stephen Leung
Regional Transportation District, Denver, CO
Jon Paul Mitchell, Tim Wallace, Ernesto Perez - 2016
- State of Florida / LYNX, Orlando Fl
- Radu Solomon, Harryram Mootoo, Chris Balroop
- 2015
- Kansas City Area Transportation Aurhority, Kansas City, MO
- Tom Seymour, Jeff Clark, Ralph Salmon
- 2014
- VIA Metro Transit, San Antonio, TX
- Carlos Fuentes, Victor Hernandez, Donald Smasal
- 2013
- Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Philadelphia, PA
- Joseph Miller, Eugene Bonner, William Beirn
- 2012
- VIA Metro Transit, San Antonio, TX
- Hugo Villarreal, Phillip Davis, Marcel Longmire
- 2011
- VIA Metro Transit, San Antonio, TX
- Hugo Villarreal, Phillip Davis, Marcel Longmire
- 2010
- State of Florida – LYNX, Orlando, FL
- Chris Balroop, Hemo Harnanan, Harryram Mootoo
- 2009
- Snohomish County Public Transportation Benefit Area Corporation (Community Transit), Snohomish, WA
- Howard Evans, Steve Hanks, Joe Hulett
- 2008
- Orange County Transportation Authority, Orange, CA
- Raymond Consiglio, Anders Holst, Ernie Booe
- 2007
- Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles, CA
- Andrew Warren, Rommel Vargas, Frank Forde
- 2006
- LYNX – Central Florida Regional Transportation, Orlando, FL
- Pat D’Amico, Hemo Harnanan, Fernando Polanco
- 2005
- King County Department of Transportation, Seattle, WA
- Leonard R. Emry, Larry M. Fitzpatrick, Ryan M. Stringfellow
- 2004
- King County Department of Transportation, Seattle, WA
- Leonard R. Emry, Larry M. Fitzpatrick, Ryan M. Stringfellow
- 2003
- King County Department of Transportation, Seattle, WA
- Leonard R. Emry, Larry M. Fitzpatrick, Ryan M. Stringfellow
- 2002
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- David J. Splan, James A. Souza, Eduardo E. Villarreal
- 2001
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- David J. Splan, James A. Souza, Eduardo E. Villarreal
- 2000
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- David J. Splan, James A. Souza, Eduardo E. Villarreal
- 1999
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Houston, TX
- Jose R. Balderas, Jim W. Brown, Walter L. Coria
- 1998
- BC Transit, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
- Doug MacDonald, Rob Simmonds, Bruce Thompson
- 1997
- TIE: Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Philadelphia, PA
- David Allmond, Michael Westerfer, Phillip Carey
- Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles, CA
- Douglas Creveling, Marco Pedemonte, Alan Wong
- 1996
- Sacramento Regional Transit District, Sacramento, CA
- Mark McKee, Howard Sickefoose, Mark O’Brien
- 1995
- Miami Valley Regional Transit Authority, Dayton, OH
- Andrew Bartley, Brian Atkinson, Troy Tipton
- 1994
- Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), Dallas, TX
- Kirk Duda, Mick Emanuelson, Scott Schepers
- 1993
- Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), Dallas, TX
- Kirk Duda, Mick Emanuelson, Scott Schepers
- 1992
- Mass Transit Administration of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
- Daniel Hoff, Bruce Owens, Thomas Ogden
- 1991
- Chicago Transit Authority, Chicago, IL
- Phillip Murnane, John C. Murphy, Thomas J. Smith
- 1990
- MTA New York City Transit, Brooklyn, NY
- Ralph D’Elia, Thomas DeSanctis, Harry Walter
- 1989
- Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, Cleveland, OH
- Robert Boswell, Richard Conway, Emmett Delligatti
- 1988
- Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), Washington, DC
- Franklin Bean, Jr., Donald E. Saul, Thomas Schuyler
Grand Champion Award
AC Transit Alameda Contra-Costa Transit District
Sean Burr, Miguel Lopez, Alvin Tan, Jesse De La Cruz
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Washington, DC
William Morgan, Locksley McKenzie, Neil Martin, Robert Miles
Regional Transportation District, Denver, CO
Jon Paul Mitchell, Tim Wallace, Ernesto Perez, John Deschner
2016 Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Dallas, TX
James Furino, Anthony Redmon, Lewis Wheeler, Jesus Rodriguez
2015Central Ohio Transit Authority, Columbus, OH
Don Readnour, Tom Belcher, Steve Woods, Howard Yoder
- 2014
- Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Philadelphia, PA
Donald Heim, Sr., Marc Duerr, Joseph Borie, Zenon Rinylo - 2013
- Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Philadelphia, PA
Joseph Miller, Eugene Bonner, William Beirn, Zenon Rinylo - 2012
- Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Dallas, TX
- Timothy Simmons, Lewis Wheeler, James Furino, Stanley Carpenter
- 2011
- King County Metro, Seattle, WA
- Ryan Stringfellow, Larry Fitzpatrick, Arvin Vulliet, Michael Grady
- 2010
- State of Florida, Orlando, FL
- Chris Balroop, Hemo Harnanan, Harryram Mootoo, Rendol Whidden
- 2009
- Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles, CA
- Frank Forde, Rommel Vargus, Andrew Warren Jr., Juan Navarro
- 2008
- Delaware Transit Corporation, Dover, DE
- William Webb, Thomas Yanko, Steven Vest, Frank Garbacz
- 2007
- Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles, CA
- Andrew Warren, Rommel Vargas, Frank Forde, Mark Holland
- 2006
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- Jessie De La Cruz, Carlos Leyva, Jr., Grant Pinkston, Don Righter
- 2005
- King County Department of Transportation, Seattle, WA
- Leonard R. Emry, Larry M. Fitzpatrick, Ryan M. Stringfellow, Michael Grady
- 2004
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- Grant Pinkston, Carlos Leyve Jr., Renan Manzaner, Harold Kurz
- 2003
- Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority (Tri-Delta Transit), Antioch, CA
- Gilbert Castro, Richard G. Babcock, Francisco Garcia, Sr., Kevin D. Moody
- 2002
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- Jesse E. Dela Cruz, David J. Splan, James A. Souza, Eduardo E. Villarreal
- 2001
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- Jesse E. Dela Cruz, David J. Splan, James A. Souza, Eduardo E. Villarreal
- Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), Philadelphia, PA
- Zenon Rinylo, Dave Allmong, Mike Westerfer and Phil Carey
- 2000
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- Jesse E. Dela Cruz, David J. Splan, James A. Souza, Eduardo E. Villarreal
- 1999
- Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), Oakland, CA
- Jesse E. Dela Cruz, David J. Splan, James A. Souza, Eduardo E. Villarreal
- 1998
- Sacramento Regional Transit District, Sacramento, CA
- Robert J. Gartner, Mark McKee, Mark O’Brien and Howard Zickefoose
Customer Service Challenge
- 2019
Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IndyGo)
Misti El-Shabazz
Norwalk Transit System
John Ybarra
OMNITRANS, San Bernardino, CA - Benito Zavalza
- 2016
- Maryland Transportation Administration, Baltimore, MD
Bennie Williams
- 2015
- SunLine Transit Agency
- Operator: Victor A. Duran
- 2014
- Birmingham – Jefferson County Transit Authority
- Operator: Kiunta Adamson
- 2013
- Delaware Transit Corporation
- Operator: William Webb
- 2012
- MV Transit
- Operator: Gerald Waters
- 2011
- Missoula Urban Transportation District
- Operator: Bryan Ursery
- 2010
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County
- Operator: Frank Gonzales
- 2009
- Chicago Transit Authority, Chicago, IL
- Operator: Jairo Naranjo
- 2008
- Delaware Transit Corporation, Wilmington DE
- Operator: William Webb
- 2007
- Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA
- Operator: Daniel R. Schmidt