Monday, September 30 | 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Marquis Ballroom South, Anaheim Marriott
This breakfast provides an opportunity for APTA’s smaller business members to engage with and learn about APTA’s major business partners from A&E firms, equipment OEMs, suppliers and technology companies, as well as key transit agencies officials. Using a speed dating format, primes*, small businesses and DBEs can learn about each other and build relationships for opportunities in the future. Each business will have 3-minute “dating” opportunities to talk about their companies by visiting each designated table.
All APTA business members and procurement personnel from our public agency members are invited to come to the breakfast and join in the business-to-business networking fun! Small businesses and DBE firms are particularly encouraged to take advantage.
Transit agency procurement officials are encouraged to come to the breakfast (or send information) to promote their current and future procurement opportunities, including their immediate anticipated procurement requirements.
To help you plan your networking activities, a Breakfast Brochure about the networking breakfast participants will be prepared and sent out on or around September 20 in advance of the breakfast. Members wishing to be listed in the brochure, must complete the online registration form below by September 16 at 5:00 pm ET.
Please note: If we do not receive your registration by September 16, you will not be listed in the networking brochure or be assigned a table. However, you may still register for the breakfast on the morning of and join in the fun.
NOTE: This event is for APTA members ONLY.
FEE: There is no separate registration fee required to participate in the breakfast.
QUESTIONS? Contact Ann-Marie Glanville.
* Primes, in this case, are any entity whom in the course of procurement or fulfillment would hire/contract smaller firms.