APTA’s Standards Development Program has advanced six documents to the public review and comment. The public commenting period is an essential component of APTA’s consensus-based standards development process. Specifically for this month, documents are ready to be reviewed by bus and rail executive-level administrators, operators, and transit security professionals. The current set of documents address the following topics:

Bus Transit Systems

  • BRT Branding, Imaging and Marketing
  • Bus Rapid Transit Stations and Stops
  • Designing Bus Rapid Transit Running Ways
  • Bus Rapid Transit Service Design

Commuter, Intercity & HSR (PRESS) 

  • Passenger Seats in Passenger Railcars
  • End-of-Car Connections with Tightlock and Interlocking Knuckle-Type Couplers

Visit this page to view documents and submit any comments.

If you experience any difficulties submitting your feedback on APTA’s secured website, please email our team at standards@apta.com.

The current set of document reviews must be completed by October 31, 2020. Thank you for your continued support of the Standards Program.