Public Transit and Infrastructure Investment: A Synthesis of 20 Years of Conservative Thought
This document serves as a brief synthesis highlighting just a few of the key themes of American Opportunity public transportation research .
These reports on the benefits of public transportation were produced for APTA by Robert J. Shapiro, Kevin A. Hassett, and Frank S. Arnold
The following reports with a pro-transit conservative point of view were prepared by the Free Congress Foundation, now known as the American Opportunity Foundation.

- The Role of Public Transportation in the Conservative Pro-Growth Agenda
- The Case Against Transportation Devolution: A Conservative Perspective
- Bring Back the Streetcars! A Conservative Vision of Tomorrow’s Urban Transportation
- A Conservative Proposal for Energy Independence: A National Defense Public Transportation Act
- Conservatives and Mass Transit: Is it Time for a New Look?
- Does Transit Work? A Conservative Reappraisal
- Good Urban Transit: A Conservative Model
- How Transit Benefits People Who Do Not Ride It: A Conservative Inquiry
- A Liberal and A Conservative Discuss How to Respond to Anti-Transit Rhetoric
- Transit Means Business: Ten Reasons Why Conservatives Should Support New TEA Legislation
- Twelve Anti-Transit Myths: A Conservative Critique
- Winning Transit Referenda: Some Conservative Advice