Recommended Practice

In-Plant Inspection for Bus Procurements


This Recommended Practice establishes recommended minimum bus inspection requirements for new bus inspections and details what specific documentation is required during the bus procurement and manufacturing phase.

Document History
Document Number Version Publication Date Publication Related Information
APTA BTS-II-RP-001-11 03/31/2011 Published Current


bus procurement, in-plant inspections


In March 2010, APTA issued the “Standard Bus Procurement Guidelines RFP,” which outlines a request for proposals for a negotiated bus procurement contract. The outline was created to facilitate the development of a bus package that is consistent throughout the industry, providing a uniform format for
numbering and organizing such documents. The document was developed by a cross-section of representatives from the public and private sectors of the public transit industry for use by transit agencies. It is understood that transit agencies may need to modify this document to reflect local and state rules, regulations and laws, and that they will insert their standard contract language in the appropriate places in the document. However, modifications to the standard format should be made in a manner that will maintain the structural integrity of the document. The numbering of unused articles should be maintained and accompanied by the notations “Not used” or “Reserved.” The in-plant bus inspection section of the RFP can be used as a standalone document but is also incorporated into the appendixes. The section does not require that the inspector be an employee of the agency or a firm hired by the agency. The only requirement is that the inspection cannot be an agent or employee of the manufacturer. This document is a Recommended Practice for conducting the in-plant bus inspections. For federally funded procurements, agencies should note that federal funds typically include a line item for grant administration costs including costs of in-plant inspection services. For additional information regarding budgets and other helpful information, refer to Appendix A.

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