
Fixed Workstation Tables in Passenger Railcars


This Rail Standard defines crashworthiness requirements for fixed workstation tables installed in passenger rail coach cars that are part of the general railroad system of transportation.

Document History
Document Number Version Publication Date Publication Related Information
APTA PR-CS-S-018-13 Rev. 2 10/26/22 Published Current
APTA PR-CS-S-018-13 Rev. 1 10/30/15 Published Superseded


anthropomorphic test device (ATD), crashworthiness, fixed workstation tables, injury criteria, passenger rail, safety


In passenger rail seating configurations with fixed workstation tables, there is a risk of serious thoracic and abdominal injury when passengers impact a table during a rail accident. Tables designed to absorb energy and limit contact forces can significantly reduce the risk of injury. Additionally, tables positioned between facing rows of seats can compartmentalize occupants during a collision, which can limit an occupant’s secondary impact velocity and prevent tertiary impacts with other objects or passengers.

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