Recommended Practice

Rail Transit System Station Procedures


This Recommended Practice describes recommended elements of the duties and responsibilities of rail transit system station personnel, including monitoring performance, safety, security, customer relations, service assistance, station inspection for safety and cleanliness, revenue procedures, station features, and
station opening and closing procedures.

Document History
Document Number Version Publication Date Publication Related Information
APTA RT-OP-RP-009-04 Rev. 2 06/07/2019 Published Current


safety, security, station, station agent, station operations, station personnel, training.


Rail transit system stations and the personnel who work in them set the stage for customers’ transit experiences. The service and treatment customers receive in stations are influential in developing customer loyalty. Station personnel should strive to relate to customers in a helpful and pleasant manner. It is also important for station personnel to be alert and vigilant for suspicious or unusual activity and behavior and to report unusual behavior through prescribed methods. Customer relations for station personnel involves a broad range of activities including, but not limited to, interactions between station personnel and customers; provision of travel information; provision of service to customers with disabilities; public address announcements; and responses to emergency situations. Station personnel also play roles in addressing the correction of poor housekeeping conditions, hazards or other repugnant conditions (e.g., graffiti). Station personnel are often involved in practices to ensure revenue procedures are adhered to and that problems arising from these transactions are properly resolved.

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