Recommended Practice

Managing Short- and Long-Term Changes Affecting Rail Operations


This recommended practice provides guidance to rail transit agencies (RTAs) for the creation of processes that help ensure that changes to rail transit infrastructure, environment, operating practices or other elements are appropriately managed and communicated to affected rail operations employees.

Document History
Document Number Version Publication Date Publication Related Information
APTA RT-OP–RP-028-21 Original 09/28/2021 Published Current


change, change control board, change management, management of change, operations, rail transit


Changes to RTAs come in many forms, and changes to infrastructure, vehicles, operating practices or other aspects of the rail operation have an impact on operator roles and responsibilities. The RTA should have processes in place to monitor changes; assess their impacts; document any changes to existing rules, procedures or other governing documents; and communicate them to all affected employees. This is necessary to ensure that impacts on operating practices are properly assessed and that new hazards are not introduced when a change is made. This document encourages RTAs to also evaluate real or potential hazards that could be further mitigated and/or eliminated by the proposed changes.

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