
Operations Personnel Requirements in New Rail Transit Projects


This standard provides minimum requirements for the participation of a rail operation’s subject matter experts (SMEs) within a rail transit system (RTS) and/or an operations and maintenance contractor (O&M contractor). Rail operations personnel are required in order to provide input and guidance in any rail project that impacts operations and maintenance activities of an RTS. As used in this standard, “operations” refers directly to operations and maintenance activities within an operating railroad or new system.

Document History

Document Number Version Publication Date Publication Related Information
APTA RT-OP-S-022-17 04/07/2017 Published Current


design, hazard analysis, integrated testing, new start(s), planning, pre-revenue operations, rail activation, rail operations, safety certification, threat and vulnerability analysis


In order for public and private agencies, engineering firms and/or project sponsors to understand the impact of rail operational and maintenance requirements associated with the operating life cycle of new rail programs under development, under expansion and/or major capital improvement projects, this standard requires the engagement of experienced rail transit operations personnel. The project team must include experienced rail operations personnel in order to provide input and guidance in any rail project on the everyday and long-term operations impacts of design and development decisions. This, at a minimum, is required in order to have a safe, cost-effective, rule-compliant and efficient operation. The standard includes requirements for involving qualified rail operations personnel during the preliminary development phase of the rail project and during the phases outlined in the program requirements of 49 CFR 633 Subpart C, Project Management Plans.

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