
Emergency Signage for Rail Transit Vehicles


This standard specifies the minimum performance criteria for the design of the emergency signage for rail transit vehicles.

Document History
Document Number Version Publication Date Publication Related Information
APTA RT-VIM-S-021-10 Rev. 2 07/09/2024 Published Current
APTA RT-VIM-S-021-10 Rev. 1 12/06/2017 Published Superseded


emergency signage


This standard requires that each rail transit vehicle have interior and exterior emergency signage to assist passengers, train crew members and emergency responders in an emergency. Interior signage assists passengers and crew members in locating and operating emergency exits in order to safely evacuate from the equipment. Exterior signage assists emergency responders in locating and operating emergency access points.
APTA rail transit agency members have expressed a commitment to increase the effectiveness of safety devices and features present on rail transit vehicles, not only for the passengers but also for the operators and emergency personnel. This standard is intended to incorporate safety considerations during the design and specification process when procuring new vehicles; to incorporate safety considerations when determining scope of work during the design and specification of major overhauls or retrofit campaigns; to identify those safety-critical standards that provide a high level of passenger safety; and to identify those safety-critical standards that provide a high level of crew safety.

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