
Shelter of Transit Vehicles and Nonrevenue Equipment During Emergencies


This standard identifies operational strategies to secure a transit agency’s fleet and nonrevenue equipment such as nonrevenue vehicles during times of emergencies. The goal is to protect the agency’s assets from various types of local hazards.

Document History
Document Number Version Publication Date Publication Related Information
APTA SS-SEM-S-006-09 Rev. 2 November 7, 2019 Published Current
APTA SS-SEM-S-006-09 Rev. 1 Aprill 1, 2013 Archived Superseded


emergency operations center (EOC), evacuation, evacuation plans, memorandum of understanding (MOU), National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS), vehicle storage


Emergencies such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, earthquakes, fires, civil unrest and acts of terrorism may pose a threat to the fleet and nonrevenue equipment. The decision to shelter the fleet and secure nonrevenue equipment may prevent or reduce the extent of damage from such threats. Identifying such assets in advance and preparing for contingencies reduces the need for last-minute reactionary responses that may not be optimized for the involved hazards. The transit agency may communicate and coordinate its actions with local government and emergency management staff, such as the local or regional EOC, if available.

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