The Standards Development Oversight Council (SDOC) met on March 15, 2021, to approve the FY 2022 standards programmatic budget. The council will address improving outreach and awareness of the standards program.

APTA is currently collecting adoption and usage data related to its standards program. Visitors to the Standards website are being asked to complete a short pop-up survey to identify the intended use/purpose for using a standard-related document. This data will be aggregated into a summary report describing usage trends. Additionally, the program continues to update its website where you will find previously published documents. Enjoy this short Standards video describing the program.

Recently Published Documents | Documents Under Reviews | Work Group Updates

Recently Published Documents

Documents Under Review

APTA’s Standards Development Program has advanced nine documents to the public review and comment. The public commenting period is an essential component of APTA’s consensus-based standards development process. Specifically, for this month, documents are ready to be reviewed by bus and rail executive-level administrators, operators, and transit security professionals. The current set of documents address the following topics:

Bus Transit Systems

  • Appendix H: Guidelines for Selecting Electric Bus Specifications
  • Standard Bus Procurement Guidelines RFP (Electric Bus sections)*

Commuter, Intercity & HSR (PRESS)

  • Ampacities for Wire and Cable Used on Passenger Rolling Stock with Flame, Smoke and Toxicity Considerations*
  • Installation of Wire and Cable on Passenger Rolling Stock*
  • Truck Design*

*Documents in CEO Review and Commenting phase.

Visit this page to view documents and submit any comments.

If you experience any difficulties submitting your feedback on APTA’s secured website, please email our team at Thank you for your continued support of APTA’s Standards Program.

Work Group Updates

Bus Transit Systems
The Bus Brake and Chassis working group produced a set of standards and recommended practices in 2020:

The Standard Bus Procurement Guidelines (SBPG) Working Group continues to update several sections: TS 20 Structure to TS 29 Platforms, TS 30 Wheel housing to TS 39 Pneumatic system, TS 40 Overview to TS 45 Data communications, and TS 46 Driver Area Controls to TS 53 Side Windows. The newly created Battery Bus Charger Procurement Standards working group is developing procurement language for charging infrastructure.

The battery-electric bus sections of the SBPG were published on April 30, 2021

Commuter, Intercity & HSR (PRESS)
The Construction and Structural working group published a third revision to the “Passenger Seats in Passenger Railcars” standard in March. On June 4, two additional documents will be ready for final approval of the second revision to the “Attachment Strength of Interior Fittings on Passenger Railroad Equipment” standard and the third revision of the “Gap and Creepage Distance” recommended practice. Three documents underwent public comment in March: APTA PR-E-RP-002-98, Rev. 2, “Installation of Wire and Cable on Passenger Rolling Stock,” APTA PR-E-RP-009-98, Rev. 2, “Ampacities for Wire and Cable Used on Passenger Rolling Stock with Flame, Smoke and Toxicity Considerations,” and APTA PR-M-RP-009-98, Rev. 2, “Truck Design.”

The new Mobility Management Standards category was added to the APTA Standards website. This new section will house documents that address mobility as a service (MaaS), business relationships with mobility partners, and best practices for interoperability and app development. The first document, “Guidelines for Transit Agencies to Begin Implementing Mobility as a Service (MaaS),” is expected to be completed by June 2021.

Rail Transit Systems
The Operating Practices Working Group is focused on publishing four new documents. They are undergoing balloting and will be available for public review as early as June 1. The working group continues to make updates to the “Track Allocation” standard, the “Defensive Rail Operations” recommended practice, the “Managing Changes Affecting Rail Operations” recommended practice, and the “Employee Development” recommended practice. The newly reformed Signals and Communications Working Group held its first meeting April 20 to evaluate which set of documents will require revisions, be reaffirmed or be withdrawn from the standards document library.

The Security and Emergency Management Working Group has advanced two recommended practices, “Developing a Transit Agency Response Plan to a Public Health Emergency” and “Developing a Pandemic Virus Service Restoration Checklist,” for final approval. The recommended practices for “Security Considerations for Trash and Recycling Receptacles” and “Security Considerations for Public Restroom Design” are undergoing final approval, and publication is anticipated on May 7.

Sustainability & Urban Design
The Urban Design Working Group has advanced three documents for final approval by May 21. They include the recommended practices “Transit Parking 101,” “Partnerships to Promote Transit-Oriented Communities” and “Design of On-Street Transit Stops and Access from Surrounding Areas.” All accessibility documents have been reorganized under the Sustainability & Urban Design standards.

Technology for Transit Systems
The Technology SPPC is focused on new documents on technology procurement, open and contactless fare payment, open standards and integration requirements, and cybersecurity. The Technology SPPC will form two new working groups, Technology Procurement and Revenue and Data, to address updates to existing documents and start work on new documents. For more information, contact Nicole DuPuis, director of Transit Technology and Innovation, at For more information, please email

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