In any association, bylaws create the structure that allows for stability, continuity, and growth. Ideally, making our bylaws work for APTA’s mission and its members is critical to the association’s success.

APTA’s bylaws were last updated in 2017. Since then, APTA members have brought forward issues around specific topics that have sparked the desire to embark on bylaws updates once again.

Therefore, APTA Chair Dorval R. Carter, Jr. President of the Chicago Transit Authority in Chicago, IL, last month established a taskforce to revise   the bylaws. The taskforce will identify provisions that need of clarification, deletion, or refinement to better reflect how the association operates today.

Carter appointed Adelee LeGrand, APTA Vice Chair and CEO, Hillsborough Area Regional Transit, Tampa, FL, to serve as chair of the taskforce. LeGrand is working with a diverse group of APTA members who reflect the breadth of the association’s membership, including a Diversity Council member; designated business member; designated transit system directors; designated committee chairs; board of directors’ members at-large and additional members in good standing to round out a balanced, representative group.

The taskforce is seeking suggestions from APTA members.  There are two ways for input: 1) if a proposed amendment is submitted by a member that represents at least one percent of the total plural vote. (“Plural voting,” as defined by the APTA bylaws, means “one vote for each $100 or major fraction thereof, of last annual dues paid to the association.”) 2) if the proposed amendment is supported, in writing, by at least five active APTA members.

Members wishing to submit amendments must use this submission form and submit suggestions to by close of business (Eastern) February 1, 2023.

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