Rule/Notice/NOFO: DOJ, Accessibility of Web Information and Services of State and Local Government Entities

Federal Register/Notice:

Type of Requirement: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Description:  DOJ is proposing to revise the regulation implementing title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (‘‘ADA’’) in order to establish specific requirements, including the adoption of specific technical standards, for making accessible the services, programs, and activities offered by State and local Government entities to the public through the web and mobile apps.

How is it enforced by FTA, DOT, Direct grant requirement, triennial review or other?  FTA enforces ADA compliance through its triennial review process.

Is there a cost or time impact to grantees (best estimate):  TBD

APTA Comment/Letter: Members of the Access Committee are reviewing the NPRM and are considering developing consensus comments.

APTA Staff Advisor:  Art Guzzetti:

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