Rule/Notice/NOFO:  FTA: Extension of FTA Partial Buy-America Waiver for Minivans and Vans (Docket No. FTA-2022-0013)

Federal Register/Notice: n/a

Type of Requirement: Partial Buy-America Waiver

Description:  APTA, along with other signatories, has requested that FTA extend a prior Partial Buy-America Waiver for the purchase of vanpool vehicles for which there is no readily available Buy-America-eligible vehicle manufactured in the US in the minivan class nor any expectation that such vehicles will be available in the market in the near future.  The current Partial Waiver expires October 24, 2024.

How is it enforced by FTA, DOT, Direct grant requirement, triennial review or other?  Buy-America certification

Is there a cost or time impact to grantees (best estimate):  This impacts the availability and cost of vanpool procurements by transit agencies.

APTA Comment/Letter: Comments Submitted

APTA Staff Advisor: David Carol:

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